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10-13-08, 04:46 AM   #91
A Murloc Raider
Join Date: Oct 2008
Posts: 8
Originally Posted by haste View Post
Anyway, I've just quickly browsed through your code, and it seems you register unit watch on the header. Which causes the unit watch system to hide it as it doesn't have a existing unit. It's just a quick theory, but it would explain your debug stack :)
Sorry for the late reply, for some reason I haven't been able access from home since Friday, traceroute stops at, so I can only post now from work.

Not registering unit watch for the header does the trick, and I have no issues with party disappearing anymore. Still weird that it was working without ClearFont2, but it's solved now, thanks again!

I converted all the strings to tags now, and I got a question. From what I tried so far it seems that the tags set on login stay no matter what until a reload UI. For example, I set [curhp] for player health, then in game I change it to [missinghp], the text on frame shows as "[missinghp]" right after I change it, then on a UNIT_HEALTH event it goes back to what the result of [curhp] is. Is there a way I can force the tag string to update or it needs a reload UI?