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07-17-10, 05:33 AM   #2
nUI Maintainer
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Well the line that error occurs on is thus:
local offscreen = chatFrame.buttonFrame:GetTop() + BNToastFrame:GetHeight() + BN_TOAST_TOP_OFFSET + BN_TOAST_TOP_BUFFER > GetScreenHeight();
Any of those functions or values could be what they are talking about but being a blizz function it will be hard for us to test it out.

First port of call should be chatter as they are the calling addon. Whether nUI is changing a value chatter is using to tell blizz about battlenet stuff I don't know but hopefully they will be able to check the code back to see where the problem could be coming from.

So, basically it sounds like a compatibility issue between nUI and chatter in one of their last patches.

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