Thread: UnitBuff help
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05-13-14, 06:59 AM   #3
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All of those "indicatorframe" and "indicatorN" variables are globals, which is not so great, and "IndicatorFrame" is a pretty bad global object name too... especially since you're using the same globals for every unit's indicator frame.

You're using CreateFrame wrong when you create the indicators -- you're passing nil and "OVERLAY" which would be fine if those were texture or fontstring creations, but not for a frame. You need to pass a frame type (eg. "Frame"), a name (should be nil here), and a parent (should be self here).

You're also passing "party" to UnitBuff, but "party" is not a valid unit token, and you don't want to hardcode a unit here, because it looks like you're intending for these indicators to be added to multiple units' frames.

Lua is case-sensitive, so "indicatorframe" and "indicatorFrame" are not the same thing -- you should be getting a nil value error from your SetScript line, since "indicatorFrame" is not defined as a frame or anything else.

Change your whole indicator section to this:
	if cfg.indicators.enable then
		local indicators = CreateFrame("Frame", nil ,self)
		self.indicators = indicators

		-- Build the indicators
		for i = 1, #indicatorPositions do
			local position = indicatorPositions[i]
			local indicator = CreateFrame("Frame", nil, indicators)
			indicator:SetSize(5, 5)

			indicator.aura = cfg.indicators["aura"..i]
			indicators[position] = indicator

		-- Register the event on the frame itself
		self:RegisterEvent("UNIT_AURA", UpdateIndicators)
And add this outside and above your spawn function:
local indicatorPositions = { "TOPLEFT", "TOPRIGHT", "BOTTOMLEFT", "BOTTOMRIGHT" }
local indicatorBackdrop = { bgFile = "Interface\\Buttons\\WHITE8X8" }
local function UpdateIndicators(self, event, unit)
	for i = 1, #indicatorPositions do
		local position = indicatorPositions[i]
		local indicator = indicators[position]
		indicator:SetShown(UnitBuff(unit, indicator.aura))
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