Thread: In Game Fonts
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11-20-12, 12:44 PM   #1
A Deviate Faerie Dragon
Join Date: Nov 2012
Posts: 17
In Game Fonts

I have not found a really good explanation of game fonts used.
But if I am right there are four fonts used in WoW.

These fonts must be hardcoded within executables somewhere since I cannot locate them within my WoW installation folder/sub-folders. I can look at the Fonts.xml file and see them referenced such as
<Font virtual="true" font="Fonts\ARIALN.TTF" name="NumberFont_Outline_Large" outline="NORMAL"> 
    <AbsValue val="16"/> 
<Font virtual="true" font="Fonts\skurri.ttf" name="NumberFont_Outline_Huge" outline="NORMAL">
    <AbsValue val="30"/>
<Font virtual="true" font="Fonts\MORPHEUS.ttf" name="QuestFont_Large">
    <AbsValue val="15"/>
It appears the fonts (for example ARIALN.ttf) should be in a "Fonts" folder. Since I do not see such a folder currently I made the assumption that they are hardcoded somewhere.

I also understand that I can create my own "Fonts" folder within my WoW installation folder and place a font in that folder. However, doing so does not just add the font to Wow and make it available for use. But, I can rename it to one of the four WoW fonts, mentioned above, and bingo, all the places that font is used in WoW now looks like the font I put in the Fonts folder. So, apparently I can locally override a standard game font by this procedure. But only locally.

However, if I want to use a specific font other than the four basic WoW fonts in my addon so that users of my addon see that font can I:
create a Fonts folder in myaddon folder structure, i.e., myaddon/Fonts
place the desired font in that folder (assuming it must be a truetype font)
within xml create a font object based on my desired font such as shown above for "QuestFont_Large"
and then create FontStrings based on my new font object?

Last edited by Elderin : 11-20-12 at 12:47 PM. Reason: structuring code
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