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08-07-08, 12:33 PM   #368
A Cyclonian
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Join Date: Jul 2008
Posts: 48
Aha - I found another sumthin' sumthin' that might deserve some love for beta 2. I get an icon and a timer for my buffs, but no other indication of what they are (as in a mouseover tooltip, or anything). Some buffs can be easily identified by their picture. Others... like poison... not so much.

I could see that both of my weapons were poisoned by the buff icon indicators displayed just above the dashboards. But, I had applied the poison during my last session and didn't remember if it was deadly poison or instant poison. I had to go to the character screen to find out because the buff indicators didn't tell me.

And now, you know.

And knowing is half the battle.

Go Joe.

Hmm. I logged out to type this and tinker around Wowhead, logged back in, and now there are tooltips for the buff icons. Must've been a glitch. A bug! *gasp* What kind of shoddy operation is this!?!?! ;-)

tee hee

Aaaah! It's happening again! Here's the chain of events to recreate the situation....

1. I poisoned my main hand weapon (a mace) and my off hand weapon (a sword). Both poisoned weapons showed up on my buff bar, and both had working tooltips that displayed complete weapon info, including the poison.

2. I went into stealth. I have a stealth macro that, in addition to stealthing me, changes my main-hand weapon to a dagger that I have in my backpack. When armed with my dagger, my poisoned mace and sword buffs disappeared from the buff bar, as expected.

3. I approached my target and attacked with an ambush. I use a macro button that, upon casting ambush, immediately places my mace and sword back in my main and off hand, respectively.

4. When my primary weapons were back in my hands, the weapons re-appeared in my buff bar with poison timers, but the tool tips no longer functioned.

Last edited by Archippus : 08-07-08 at 01:02 PM.