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07-11-10, 04:45 PM   #22
nUI's Author
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Yeah -- I do recall you saying that... just failed to connect the dots. Between work, nUI and family, it's a wonder I can remember to eat sometimes.

As for fonts... you can change which font nUI is using as the default font in [ Interface > AddOns > nUI > Main > localization.lua ] -- but that does not change font for the chat frames.

For that, you would have to go back and add back the code I removed a few versions back. Edit [ Interface > AddOns > nUI > Integration > nUI_ChatFrame.lua ] and (assuming you've upgraded to 5.06.29) scroll down to the following code segment and add the line I highlighted in the reparentChatFrame() method...

    for i=1, NUM_CHAT_WINDOWS * 2 do
        local cframe = _G["ChatFrame"..i];
        if cframe then
            if i ~= 2 then -- we handle the combat log separately
                cframe.is_chat_frame = (i == 1);
                cframe.buttonSide = "RIGHT";
                cframe:SetFont( "font file path", fontsize, "OUTLINE" );

                if cframe.is_chat_frame or cframe.isDocked then
where "font file path" is the path to the font you want, relative to the [ World of Warcraft ] directory and "fontsize" is how big you want the font (in screen units) -- note that '\' is the escape character, so you need to double them up in the path... "Interface\\Fonts\\MyCoolFont.ttf"

What people don't get is that I am, ultimately, an artist at heart.
My brush has two colors, 1 and 0, and my canvas is made of silicon.

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