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07-28-13, 09:21 AM   #14
A Firelord
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Join Date: Feb 2008
Posts: 495
Originally Posted by JimJoBlue View Post
To be honest you don't have to add the "-- Not ["0,806,58.03,45.08"]" to the end of the line as we can compare the 2 files and see the changes that you have made..

Assuming you are just changing the co-ords and not writing a completely new file...

I'll try to swing by the locations that you can't reach next time I am in game and see if the fm's line up..

Edit: or are you just making a list that can be used to edit the flightmaster.lua? <-- flight master in Dun Niffelem, The Storm Peaks. I think you need rep to unlock him though. (which my main has...) <-- flight master in Zul'Aman, Ghostlands
I'll have to look closer at the fm in Vashj'ir as one of them unlocks after 100 or so quests there...
JimJoBlue, I really appreciate this reply from you! It's good news to me. I'm glad you volunteered to help complete the list .

Originally, I was making "just a plain .txt list," but since then I've been doing it another way which seems much better. Here's how I'm doing it now. Note: the way I'm doing it now won't even require opening and comparing two separate lists; comparison can be done within the one single lua file I'm working on.

-- I made a duplicate copy of the Flightmaster.lua file, placed it into a new Windows folder named "Working" and renamed the file. It's still a ".lua" file. I'm using Notepad++ to do all editing.

-- Within my working .lua file I'm updating coord's when they need updating and also adding comments preceding each line to indicate whether or not that line is "BLIZZARD DEFAULT OK", or if that line includes "REVISED COORDS".

Example of just a very few lines so that you can see what I mean.

BLIZZARD DEFAULT OK: ["1,101,37.43,71.60"]="Thargad's Camp, Desolace",
REVISED COORDS: ["1,101,64.6,10.5"]="Nijel's Point, Desolace", -- Not ["1,101,65.37,10.44"]
REVISED COORDS: ["1,121,46.7,45.3"]="Feathermoon, Feralas", -- Not ["1,121,46.81,46.33"]
REVISED COORDS: ["1,121,50.2,16.7"]="Dreamer's Rest, Feralas", -- Not ["1,121,51.22,17.62"]
BLIZZARD DEFAULT OK: ["1,121,57.03,53.89"]="Tower of Estulan, Feralas",
BLIZZARD DEFAULT OK: ["1,121,77.23,56.77"]="Shadebough, Feralas",
BLIZZARD DEFAULT OK: ["1,141,67.46,50.40"]="Theramore, Dustwallow Marsh",
BLIZZARD DEFAULT OK: ["1,161,40.09,77.43"]="Gunstan's Dig, Tanaris",
BLIZZARD DEFAULT OK: ["1,161,51.38,29.43"]="Gadgetzan, Tanaris",
REVISED COORDS: ["1,182,60.5,25.3"]="Talonbranch Glade, Felwood", -- Not ["1,182,60.97,25.32"]
BLIZZARD DEFAULT OK: ["1,241,44.28,45.34"]="Nighthaven, Moonglade",
All of my preceding comments (the ones in CAPS) allow me and whoever wants to verify my changes to see which lines I've completed and/or which lines still need to been done. Those comments can be eliminated easily with Notepad++. Note: The list (above) doesn't show any lines which I haven't completed. It shows only lines which I have completed.

I hope this helps. BTW, I've already got a good start on the Horde FM's. All the Alliance ones are done, except for those few you said you might take a look at.

If you have any more questions, please feel free to ask. I appreciate your help. I'm hoping I'm doing this correctly.

Last edited by Kreelor : 07-28-13 at 03:10 PM.