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02-28-13, 05:56 PM   #14
Featured Artist
Join Date: Aug 2012
Posts: 1,458
Originally Posted by antiquada View Post
Writing from an end user viewpoint,

I find Wowmatrix to be the best addon updater I have ever used. I've been playing for over 6 years and have used Wowmatrix since it came out. It's quick, nonintrusive, and just plain works. And that's really all I car about.
I have also used Wowmatrix to donate money to many addons through Wowmatrixes donate popup. Addons like DBM, Armory, Soulspeak, Auctioneer, ad nauseum. I know the donations are going to the addon authors as Wowmatrixes popup just sends me to paypal and paypal takes care of the rest.

I refuse to install the wowinterface and the free curse client just to do what Wowmatrix does, and have to go through both programs each time I log in.

When the free curse client came out I compared it to Wowmatrix and found that it was telling me to install out of date versions of addons that Wowmatrix had already updated. Or it didn't have any data for some of my addon's. I thought maybe that was curses way of getting me to pay for their supposedly better client. I am not going to pay a monthly fee to update addons.

Someone posted an article from 2009 about WowMatrix and it's deficiencies. Don't you think the four year old issues in that should be reevaluated for timeleness. The donate to authors issue had definitely been resolved.
I am not an addon author. I am an end user who is using the simplest addon info/update tool out there to get a job done and make donations to the addon authors.
From my point of view, since i'm still new to the addon scene and wasn't around for all the controversy, the only problem I have with wowmatrix is the fact they automate grabbing addons from here on WoWI to keep there's up to date, twice in the past i've had to deal with them providing a faulty version of carbonite to people, and it looks like it's happening again since people are complaining about bugs that should only be in the alpha version. If i had some control or ability to modify what they were sending people it wouldn't be as bad.