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07-13-08, 03:39 AM   #81
A Deviate Faerie Dragon
Join Date: Jul 2008
Posts: 10
Good Morning,
How can i Edit / config the HUD ??
It is to much on the screen, things like all "Target of Target"- Stuff i don't need. I want to switch it off.

Chris [Ger]
Sry for the Bad english but my english lessons are some time ago
07-13-08, 04:56 AM   #82
A Warpwood Thunder Caller
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Originally Posted by Xastrax View Post
Good Morning,
How can i Edit / config the HUD ??
It is to much on the screen, things like all "Target of Target"- Stuff i don't need. I want to switch it off.

Chris [Ger]
Sry for the Bad english but my english lessons are some time ago
At preset you can only edit the frames by changing the lua in the addon foler.
A Gui system is in the works but may take some time, Spiel will give more ifo if you need it.
If science and religion are destroyed, science would re-emerge exactly the same;
but not religion.
07-13-08, 05:32 AM   #83
A Deviate Faerie Dragon
Join Date: Jul 2008
Posts: 10
yeah i need more info. i have no idea from .lua but thanks for the fast answer
07-13-08, 07:39 AM   #84
nUI's Author
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Originally Posted by Seer View Post
And a good day to all,

Quick question, does the pet bar problem also affect the Kara chess event ?
For the benefit of everyone who is reading over our shoulders, the "pet bar" problem is actually more widespread than is generally being reported. It isn't really a "pet bar" problem so much as it is a bar switching problem between four possible bar states: The pet bar, the warrior stance/druid shapeshift/rogue stealth bar, the possession bar (Eyes of the Beast/Eye of Kilrogg/Kara Chess event) and no bar at all.

The problem occurs when any one of these bars is shown or hidden while in combat. The "unit watch" fix suggested a couple of days ago works for toggling the pet bar on and off when you summon or dismiss a pet (mount, dismount, etc as well) but does not help with the shapeshift and possession bars.

Getting all four states to toggle in and out while in combat without tainting the execution thread is the hurdle I am facing now. So, the short answer to your question is yes, the pet bar problem also affects that Kara event and most severely if you are a warrior, druid, hunter, lock or rogue.

Love the mod so far, no major problems (Chess can be done with 9 easily, I just sit and watch :-p) for me at all, and no small ones either.
For the record, the Kara chess event action buttons should appear in your main action bar. If they don't because the possession bar tainted the code, sometimes pressing "Shift-2" and then "Shift-1" to swap action bars will fix it. Even if the icons on your action bar are wrong, the actions should still be right. If you know which buttons are supposed to be which, they should still work (move, attack, block, etc).

I know this bug is a huge PITA for everyone and I truely am doing my best to get it fixed as quickly as I can.

Maybe also a small suggestion, would it be possible to have the bar in the unit frames where the name is be used as a health (and/or mana) bar as wel ? Might make it a bit more readable then the way the healt/mana bars are displayed in the frames now.
I think I'm going to have to redesign how I do the main unit frames. This is something that just keeps coming up again and again. Personally, the entire reason for not having health and mana bars on those frames was that it allowed me to stack deep targeting in a relatively small area as well as shift the focus for health and mana up off the bottom of the dashboard into the center of the view screen where the action is occurring. But I guess some people just cannot get past not having the health and mana bars in the same place as the portrait.

I saw a mod that used vertical health and mana bars to the left and right of the unit portraits and liked the idea. I may borrow it. However, whatever course I take, my concern is that I'm adding yet another slew of calculated graphics elements which adds more burden to the game engine.

Kind of a damned if you do and damned if you don't thing.
07-13-08, 07:58 AM   #85
nUI's Author
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Originally Posted by Xastrax View Post
yeah i need more info. i have no idea from .lua but thanks for the fast answer

Xastrax --

At present there is no "easy" way to turn off the target-of-target health and mana bars in the HUD short of hacking the code as Noble suggested. I didn't code an option to toggle individual bars on and off as it was my intention to toggle the entire HUD on and off and it never really crossed my mind to option each bar. I guess I have always just taken using target-of-target for granted. I can't imagine playing without it. I'll have to add that to my to-do list I guess.

It is possible to get rid of the all of the labels on the health and mana bars for the target-of-target by editing your configuration options in WTF\Account\{your account}\SavedVariables\nUI.lua file. Search the file for the section "nUI_HUDConfig" and then in that section look for a section "Labels" and under that "ToT" -- you'll see configurations for MaxHealth, CurHealth, PctHealth, and so on. In each of those is an option that reads shown = "yes", just change it to shown = "no", and all of the labels for the target of target will be hidden.

If you want to get rid of the target-of-target buffs in the HUD, look for the section "Buffs" and under that "ToT" and change visible = "yes", to visible = "no",
07-13-08, 09:54 AM   #86
A Deviate Faerie Dragon
Join Date: Jul 2008
Posts: 10
Ok with a little bit help from my Brother i have fond the flags and changed them. But nothing happend. the Target of Target Stuff is Still there.
Here is my nUI.lua from F:\World of Warcraft deDE\WTF\Account\##Account\SavedVariables

nUI_Config = {
	["yOfs"] = 0,
	["party_pets"] = "yes",
	["tooltips"] = "owner",
	["bag_scale"] = 0.9,
	["unit_anim"] = "anim",
	["clock"] = 24,
	["map_coords"] = "yes",
	["debug"] = 0,
	["yOfs2"] = 0,
	["version"] = "1.02.00 (beta)",
	["hidden"] = "no",
	["auto_ding"] = "yes",
	["activeInfoMode"] = "Raid",
	["party_ptargets"] = "yes",
	["party_targets"] = "yes",
	["Colors"] = {
		["OOM"] = {
			["b"] = 1,
			["g"] = 0,
			["r"] = 0,
		["CDC2"] = {
			["b"] = 0.6,
			["g"] = 0.6,
			["r"] = 1,
		["CDC1"] = {
			["b"] = 0,
			["g"] = 1,
			["r"] = 1,
		["OOR"] = {
			["b"] = 0,
			["g"] = 0,
			["r"] = 1,
	["console_fade"] = "yes",
	["minimap_zoom"] = "show",
	["chatfont_size"] = 10,
	["buttonbag"] = "yes",
nUI_ButtonBarLayouts = {
	["nUI_BonusBar1"] = {
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		["xOfs"] = -682,
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		["cols"] = 5,
		["binding"] = "NUIBAR1BUTTON",
		["anchor"] = "TOPLEFT",
		["label"] = "nUI Bar 1",
		["rows"] = 2,
	["nUI_MultiBarBottomRight"] = {
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		["label"] = "pg5 / BottomRight",
		["yOfs"] = 55,
		["xOfs"] = 168,
		["gap"] = 2,
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		["label"] = "nUI Bar 2",
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	["nUI_MultiBarLeft"] = {
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		["label"] = "pg3 / Right 2",
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		["anchor"] = "BOTTOMRIGHT",
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nUI_UnitLayouts = {
	["targettargettarget"] = {
		["Portrait"] = {
			["visible"] = "no",
			["style"] = "square",
		["show_border"] = "no",
		["show_detail"] = "yes",
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	["focustarget"] = {
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			["style"] = "square",
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		["RageBar"] = {
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			["Colors"] = {
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				["align"] = "LEFT",
				["xOfs"] = 50,
				["anchor"] = "TOPLEFT",
				["size"] = 16,
			["CurHealth"] = {
				["shown"] = "yes",
				["yOfs"] = -127,
				["align"] = "RIGHT",
				["xOfs"] = -38,
				["anchor"] = "TOPRIGHT",
				["size"] = 14,
			["MaxPower"] = {
				["shown"] = "yes",
				["yOfs"] = 138,
				["align"] = "RIGHT",
				["xOfs"] = -40,
				["anchor"] = "BOTTOMRIGHT",
				["size"] = 13,
			["PctPower"] = {
				["shown"] = "yes",
				["yOfs"] = -145,
				["align"] = "LEFT",
				["xOfs"] = 58,
				["anchor"] = "TOPLEFT",
				["size"] = 13,
			["MaxHealth"] = {
				["shown"] = "yes",
				["yOfs"] = 155,
				["align"] = "RIGHT",
				["xOfs"] = -30,
				["anchor"] = "BOTTOMRIGHT",
				["size"] = 14,
			["CurPower"] = {
				["shown"] = "yes",
				["yOfs"] = -145,
				["align"] = "RIGHT",
				["xOfs"] = -25,
				["anchor"] = "TOPRIGHT",
				["size"] = 13,
		["Target"] = {
			["PctHealth"] = {
				["shown"] = "yes",
				["yOfs"] = -127,
				["align"] = "RIGHT",
				["xOfs"] = -50,
				["anchor"] = "TOPRIGHT",
				["size"] = 16,
			["CurHealth"] = {
				["shown"] = "yes",
				["yOfs"] = -127,
				["align"] = "LEFT",
				["xOfs"] = 38,
				["anchor"] = "TOPLEFT",
				["size"] = 14,
			["MaxPower"] = {
				["shown"] = "yes",
				["yOfs"] = 138,
				["align"] = "LEFT",
				["xOfs"] = 40,
				["anchor"] = "BOTTOMLEFT",
				["size"] = 13,
			["PctPower"] = {
				["shown"] = "yes",
				["yOfs"] = -145,
				["align"] = "RIGHT",
				["xOfs"] = -58,
				["anchor"] = "TOPRIGHT",
				["size"] = 13,
			["MaxHealth"] = {
				["shown"] = "yes",
				["yOfs"] = 155,
				["align"] = "LEFT",
				["xOfs"] = 30,
				["anchor"] = "BOTTOMLEFT",
				["size"] = 14,
			["CurPower"] = {
				["shown"] = "yes",
				["yOfs"] = -145,
				["align"] = "LEFT",
				["xOfs"] = 25,
				["anchor"] = "TOPLEFT",
				["size"] = 13,
		["ToT"] = {
			["PctHealth"] = {
				["shown"] = "no",
				["yOfs"] = -172,
				["align"] = "RIGHT",
				["xOfs"] = -20,
				["anchor"] = "TOPRIGHT",
				["size"] = 11,
			["CurHealth"] = {
				["shown"] = "no",
				["yOfs"] = -172,
				["align"] = "LEFT",
				["xOfs"] = -15,
				["anchor"] = "TOPLEFT",
				["size"] = 11,
			["MaxPower"] = {
				["shown"] = "no",
				["yOfs"] = -18,
				["align"] = "LEFT",
				["xOfs"] = 55,
				["anchor"] = "TOPLEFT",
				["size"] = 11,
			["PctPower"] = {
				["shown"] = "no",
				["yOfs"] = -188,
				["align"] = "RIGHT",
				["xOfs"] = -20,
				["anchor"] = "TOPRIGHT",
				["size"] = 11,
			["MaxHealth"] = {
				["shown"] = "no",
				["yOfs"] = -5,
				["align"] = "LEFT",
				["xOfs"] = 60,
				["anchor"] = "TOPLEFT",
				["size"] = 11,
			["CurPower"] = {
				["shown"] = "no",
				["yOfs"] = -188,
				["align"] = "LEFT",
				["xOfs"] = -15,
				["anchor"] = "TOPLEFT",
				["size"] = 11,
		["Range"] = {
			["shown"] = "yes",
			["yOfs"] = -415,
			["align"] = "CENTER",
			["xOfs"] = 0,
			["anchor"] = "TOP",
			["size"] = 20,
		["Pet"] = {
			["PctHealth"] = {
				["shown"] = "yes",
				["yOfs"] = -172,
				["align"] = "LEFT",
				["xOfs"] = 20,
				["anchor"] = "TOPLEFT",
				["size"] = 11,
			["CurHealth"] = {
				["shown"] = "yes",
				["yOfs"] = -172,
				["align"] = "RIGHT",
				["xOfs"] = 15,
				["anchor"] = "TOPRIGHT",
				["size"] = 11,
			["MaxPower"] = {
				["shown"] = "yes",
				["yOfs"] = -18,
				["align"] = "RIGHT",
				["xOfs"] = -55,
				["anchor"] = "TOPRIGHT",
				["size"] = 11,
			["PctPower"] = {
				["shown"] = "yes",
				["yOfs"] = -188,
				["align"] = "LEFT",
				["xOfs"] = 20,
				["anchor"] = "TOPLEFT",
				["size"] = 11,
			["MaxHealth"] = {
				["shown"] = "yes",
				["yOfs"] = -5,
				["align"] = "RIGHT",
				["xOfs"] = -60,
				["anchor"] = "TOPRIGHT",
				["size"] = 11,
			["CurPower"] = {
				["shown"] = "yes",
				["yOfs"] = -188,
				["align"] = "RIGHT",
				["xOfs"] = 15,
				["anchor"] = "TOPRIGHT",
				["size"] = 11,
07-13-08, 08:00 PM   #87
nUI's Author
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nUI v1.03.00 (beta) is out --

* Tweaked unit status font size (AFK/Offline/etc.)
* Tweaked elite mob dragon icon a bit more to address overlap of raid frame
* Recoded unit frames to improve battleground performance
* Recoded pet bar, stance/shapeshift bar and possess bar to fix taint
* Added management of TimeManagerClockButton to minimap fix
07-13-08, 08:03 PM   #88
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Originally Posted by Xastrax View Post
Ok with a little bit help from my Brother i have fond the flags and changed them. But nothing happend. the Target of Target Stuff is Still there.
Here is my nUI.lua from F:\World of Warcraft deDE\WTF\Account\##Account\SavedVariables
That may be an oversight on my part Xastrax -- I'll check on it for the next update.
07-13-08, 10:40 PM   #89
A Flamescale Wyrmkin
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Just wondering if there was any chance of adding a pet XP bar into the mix.

Also options to turn off ToToT. I would much prefer to just see target and ToT.

Great work on the UI. Definitly one of the best i have used. thank You
07-14-08, 08:14 AM   #90
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Originally Posted by gothicknight View Post
Just wondering if there was any chance of adding a pet XP bar into the mix.
I've considered it. I"m going to be making some layout changes based on some user feedback I've gotten and when I do, I'm hoping to find a way to shoehorn in a pet XP bar in a way that makes sense.

Also options to turn off ToToT. I would much prefer to just see target and ToT.
If you're dead set you don't want the ToToT displayed, you can edit your WTF\Account\{your account}\SavedVariables\nUI.lua and locate ["targettargettarget"] in the "nUI_UnitLayouts" section, locate the ["Origin"] subsection and change ["yOfs"] = "157", to ["yOfs"] = "-1000", that will move the unit offscreen where you won't see it.

Great work on the UI. Definitly one of the best i have used. thank You
And thank you. ~smile~
07-14-08, 10:46 AM   #91
A Deviate Faerie Dragon
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Posts: 10
Today i have a new Problem, in my Unitbar Appears a ne Frame whem i'm joining a Raid or battleground, it overlays the Portait from my Char :/

07-14-08, 11:10 AM   #92
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Originally Posted by Xastrax View Post
Today i have a new Problem, in my Unitbar Appears a ne Frame whem i'm joining a Raid or battleground, it overlays the Portait from my Char :/

This bug is in the list of known issues and appears to be present only on the European version of WoW. I have yet to have been able to track down what is causing it or why.

Another nUI user has said that toggling the "Show Party Frame when in Raid" option on or off (can't remember which) seems to fix it, but I cannot confirm that as I cannot reproduce the error.
07-14-08, 12:06 PM   #93
A Molten Giant
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Originally Posted by spiel2001 View Post
For the record, the Kara chess event action buttons should appear in your main action bar. If they don't because the possession bar tainted the code, sometimes pressing "Shift-2" and then "Shift-1" to swap action bars will fix it. Even if the icons on your action bar are wrong, the actions should still be right. If you know which buttons are supposed to be which, they should still work (move, attack, block, etc).
Hm, I was sure it replaced the pet bar, but my memory is as good as.. What are we talking about again ?

Originally Posted by spiel2001 View Post
I know this bug is a huge PITA for everyone and I truely am doing my best to get it fixed as quickly as I can.
And we appreciate it, best UI for WoW. Thanks for your time and effort, not to mention thanks for the great support. (Usually bug fixes takes months, you usually take 2 or 3 days)

Originally Posted by spiel2001 View Post
I think I'm going to have to redesign how I do the main unit frames. This is something that just keeps coming up again and again. Personally, the entire reason for not having health and mana bars on those frames was that it allowed me to stack deep targeting in a relatively small area as well as shift the focus for health and mana up off the bottom of the dashboard into the center of the view screen where the action is occurring. But I guess some people just cannot get past not having the health and mana bars in the same place as the portrait.
Well, that's why I would suggest using the name bar, as I was hoping it would not mean that you would have to redo the entire unit frame.

Originally Posted by spiel2001 View Post
I saw a mod that used vertical health and mana bars to the left and right of the unit portraits and liked the idea. I may borrow it. However, whatever course I take, my concern is that I'm adding yet another slew of calculated graphics elements which adds more burden to the game engine.

Kind of a damned if you do and damned if you don't thing.
Saw several of those, not sure if something like that fits the style of your UI. Another reason why I think the name part of the frame is better suited for the healt/mana bars.

And if the gui is configurable (and you say it is ) maybe make something like this optional, just like the hud can be toggled.

It's not a real big issue in the long run, I just keep looking at the unitframes as it somehow was easier to read the status then whatever hud I was using.

Thanks for your reply and time.
07-14-08, 12:09 PM   #94
A Deviate Faerie Dragon
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Posts: 10
Jay !!!!
It worked I've hide the Blizz Grp in Raid and my prob was gone
07-15-08, 09:56 AM   #95
A Defias Bandit
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Posts: 2
First off let me say that I think this is an amazing UI. I love the look of it, and the placement of the key elements. I have attempted on many occcasions to create my own custom UI using the countless addons out there, and I have come to the determination that I have absolutely no aptitude for it. So when I found your UI I thought I had died and gone to heaven After downloading it, I found that on my screen the buttons and chat panel were a bit too small so I am going to review the thread posts to see if there is a way to change that ( not sure if its due to my screen size 17" or if I need to adjust the scale somehow), but I wanted to come here first and thank you for putting out this exceptional UI. Keep up the great work.
07-15-08, 10:22 AM   #96
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Originally Posted by Delinias View Post
First off let me say that I think this is an amazing UI. I love the look of it, and the placement of the key elements. I have attempted on many occcasions to create my own custom UI using the countless addons out there, and I have come to the determination that I have absolutely no aptitude for it. So when I found your UI I thought I had died and gone to heaven After downloading it, I found that on my screen the buttons and chat panel were a bit too small so I am going to review the thread posts to see if there is a way to change that ( not sure if its due to my screen size 17" or if I need to adjust the scale somehow), but I wanted to come here first and thank you for putting out this exceptional UI. Keep up the great work.
Delinias --

Thanks for the kind word.

Unfortunately, there's no option for changing button sizes at this time short of editing your WTF\Account\{your account}\SavedVariables\nUI.lua configuration file. You can look at nUI_ActionBar.lua, nUI_PetBar.lua, and nUI_ButtonBar.lua in the Interface\AddOns\nUI\Bars directory to see what the layout options are.

As for the chat frame... you cannot resize it, either, however, you can change the font size using the slash command "/nui fontsize {n}" where {n} is a number > 0... the larger {n} is, the bigger the chat font. The default is 12 I believe.
07-15-08, 11:19 AM   #97
A Defias Bandit
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Posts: 2
Thanks for the quick reply Spiel...I'll check out the options you mentioned. Even if there is nothing I can do to change it I will happily use this UI. Thanks again for all your effort and outstanding work on this UI.
07-15-08, 10:52 PM   #98
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nUI v1.04.00 (beta) is out --

* Updated to patch 2.4.3
* Fixed raid unit frames to ensure groups aligned with default Bliz raid groups
* Fixed visibility option in HUD labels
* Added raid group ID to player and target unit frames
* Added awareness of FuBar and Titan bars to "/nui yofs" and "/nui yofs2" commands
* Further optimized unit frames -- eliminated extra GUID check
* Reduced CPU load on unit casting bars (casting, channeling, latency, GCD)
* Optimized HUD unit management to reduce CPU load
07-16-08, 08:22 PM   #99
A Murloc Raider
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Posts: 5
Hi I have been using nUI for the past 4 days. It's great. I love it.

However, there's a few problems which i noticed:

1. the raid shown under the information panel does not match the Blizz raid. But i guess its fixed in the latest nUI release. I will try that out tonight

2. I had Omen2 installed and the integrated threatmeter in the HUD worked great. However, the Omen bars are not showing under the information panel, even when I had the panel set to display omen. What could be the problem?

3. for my player buffs display, when I had a buff on my weapon it doesnt show correctly. The icon is correctly but when i mouseover the icon, the tooltip is always showing the status of the buff beside it.

4. As my character is a shaman, I noticed the player buff will show the totems being cast but without any countdown timer on them. Any chance of adding that in?

Also 1 thing i noticed is that the health and mana display of my target in HUD are in percentage. Is it possible to configure it to display the actual health/mana numbers? The reason being so that i can cast a lesser spell just enough to kill the targeted mob and save mana :P

I love the UI and hope you can keep up the great work.

07-17-08, 03:01 AM   #100
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Originally Posted by swords View Post
Hi I have been using nUI for the past 4 days. It's great. I love it.
Thank you for the kind word.

1. the raid shown under the information panel does not match the Blizz raid. But i guess its fixed in the latest nUI release. I will try that out tonight
Yes... that problem has been fixed and heavily tested. It should be stable now.

2. I had Omen2 installed and the integrated threatmeter in the HUD worked great. However, the Omen bars are not showing under the information panel, even when I had the panel set to display omen. What could be the problem?
I presume you're talking about when you are out of combat... that is correct. The Omen and KLH threat meters do not display when you are out of combat. The only appear while you are in combat and only if you have the Omen or KTM info mode selected.

3. for my player buffs display, when I had a buff on my weapon it doesnt show correctly. The icon is correctly but when i mouseover the icon, the tooltip is always showing the status of the buff beside it.
This may be a bug... I'll look into it.

4. As my character is a shaman, I noticed the player buff will show the totems being cast but without any countdown timer on them. Any chance of adding that in?
Totem timers are already on the to-do list. Along those lines, I have never played a shaman... just have a level 5 one I tinker with when I have absolutely nothing else to do ~smile~ For those who are shaman players, what mod do you use to keep up with your totems and what are the key features that really matter to you?

Also 1 thing i noticed is that the health and mana display of my target in HUD are in percentage. Is it possible to configure it to display the actual health/mana numbers? The reason being so that i can cast a lesser spell just enough to kill the targeted mob and save mana :P
The percentage is displayed on the inside edge of the bars, but the current health and mana should appear just opposite of that on the outside of the bar. The max health and mana appear at the top-outside of the bar, as well. If you don't see all three values on your bars, please e-mail a screencap to [email protected] and let me see what you are looking at... but all three values should be there... percent at the bottom inside, current value at the bottom outside and max value at the top outside.

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