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12-08-12, 07:30 PM   #1
A Flamescale Wyrmkin
mjumnito's Avatar
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Join Date: Apr 2009
Posts: 115
[5.1.0 RC1] Greenstone Village Bugs

All are caught via Bugsack. Droped my FPS to about 10 till I left the Scenario.

Lua Code:
  1. 145x Carbonite-5.1.0 RC1\NxMap.lua:9514: attempt to compare number with nil
  2. Carbonite-5.1.0 RC1\NxMap.lua:9514: in function "IsBattleGroundMap"
  3. Carbonite-5.1.0 RC1\NxMap.lua:4454: in function "Update"
  4. Carbonite-5.1.0 RC1\NxMap.lua:4090: in function <Carbonite\NxMap.lua:4014>
  6. Locals:
  7. self = <table> {
  8.  MiniBlks = 6
  9.  IconScale = 1
  10.  MenuIShowWorld = <table> {}
  11.  GIconMenuITogInst = <table> {}
  12.  PlyrRZY = 39.529037475586
  13.  MMScalesC = <table> {}
  14.  GOpts = <table> {}
  15.  LOpts = <table> {}
  16.  Guide = <table> {}
  17.  PlyrLastDir = 344.60558347878
  18.  WorldHotspots = <table> {}
  19.  Menu = <table> {}
  20.  EffScale = 0.89999997615814
  21.  Zone = 0
  22.  WorldAlpha = -1.#IND
  23.  StartupShown = 1
  24.  ScaleDraw = 1.0406048463246
  25.  BackgndAlphaFade = 1
  26.  MoveLastX = 2107.9952185716
  27.  PlyrDir = 344.60558347878
  28.  PlyrSpeedCalcTime = 298389.926
  29.  MapPosYDraw = 1476.1103394989
  30.  ArchAlpha = 0.3
  31.  MapScale = 0.10385277907431
  32.  CurMapBG = false
  33.  PadX = 0
  34.  BGIncNum = 0
  35.  MenuIMonitorZone = <table> {}
  36.  MapW = 311.78335571289
  37.  MMGathererUpdateDelay = 1
  38.  MMAddonFrms = <table> {}
  39.  LClickTime = 0
  40.  MouseEnabled = true
  41.  ButAutoScaleOn = <table> {}
  42.  MapH = 172.19873046875
  43.  MMScales = <table> {}
  44.  MMArrowName = ""
  45.  MapPosX = 2107.9952185716
  46.  BackgndAlphaTarget = 1
  47.  MoveDir = 180
  48.  BGGrowBars = true
  49.  ArrowScroll = 0.38
  50.  H = 141
  51.  Tick = 9919
  52.  IconNIFrms = <table> {}
  53.  LastDungeonLevel = 0
  54.  BaseScale = 1
  55.  ToolBar = <table> {}
  56.  MoveLastY = 1476.1103394989
  57.  MenuIShowHerb = <table> {}
  58.  DotPartyScale = 1
  59.  DotPalScale = 1
  60.  QuestAlpha = 0.3
  61.  CurWorldUpdateOverlayNum = 1
  62.  MMFScale = 0.69373656421637
  63.  Scale = 1.0406048463246
  64.  TextFrm = <unnamed> {}
  65.  BackgndAlpha = 1
  66.  ArrowPulse = 1
  67.  MenuIShowMine = <table> {}
  68.  MapId = 16236
  69.  MMOwn = true
  70.  MMModels = <table> {}
  71.  Size1 = 0.83333335540913
  72.  ShowUnexplored = false
  73.  InstLevelSet = 0
  74.  Arch = <unnamed> {}
  75.  PIconMenu = <table> {}
  76.  DotRaidScale = 1
  77.  MapIndex = 1
  78.  StepTime = 0
  79.  PlyrSpeedX = 2107.9952185716
  80.  PlyrFrm = <unnamed> {}
  81.  DebugAdjustScale = 0.1
  82.  ScaleDrawW = 0.96097957215174
  83.  IconStaticFrms = <table> {}
  84.  UpdateTrackingDelay = 0
  85.  IconNavScale = 1
  86.  MiniFrms = <table> {}
  87.  WorldHotspotTipStr = "Pandaria, |cffffff00Kun-Lai Summit (86-88)
  88. "
  89.  Win = <table> {}
  90.  InstanceId = false
  91.  RealScale = 1.0406048463246
  92.  Data = <table> {}
  93.  TrackDir = false
  94.  RMapId = 6009
  95.  TrackETA = false
  96.  BGIconMenu = <table> {}
  97.  CurOverlays = false
  98.  MMMaskName = "Buttons\White8x8"
  99.  MMZoomChanged = false
  100.  LocTipFStrs = <table> {}
  101.  TrackPlyrs = <table> {}
  102.  MMScale = 1.0406048463246
  103.  MMZoomType = 1
  104.  TextScFrm = <unnamed> {}
  105.  GIconMenuIFindNote = <table> {}
  106.  Targets = <table> {}
  107.  QuestWin = <unnamed> {}
  108.  WorldHotspotsCity = <table> {}
  109.  MapPosY = 1476.1103394989
  110.  IconFrms = <table> {}
  111.  PlyrY = 1476.1103394989
  112.  Tracking = <table> {}
  113.  Cont = 6
  114.  TextFStrs = <table> {}
  115.  Scrolling = false
  116.  TargetNextUniqueId = 1
  117.  Level = 9
  118.  LocTipFrm = NxMapTip {}
  119.  MapsDrawnFade = <table> {}
  120.  W = 150
  121.  ContFrms = <table> {}
  122.  GIconMenu = <table> {}
  123.  TileFrms = <table> {}
  124.  ScaleW = 0.96097957215174
  125.  UpdateTargetDelay = 0
  126.  CurOpts = <table> {}
  127.  MenuIPlyrFollow = <table> {}
  128.  TitleH = 0
  129.  CurWorldUpdateMapId = 16236
  130.  PlyrSpeed = 0
  131.  PlyrSpeedY = 1476.1103394989
  132.  MMAlphaDelay = 0
  133.  MMOwnedFrms = <table> {}
  134.  MMChkDelay = 32
  135.  PlyrRZX = 51.433253288269
  136.  KillShow = false
  137.  ViewSavedData = <table> {}
  138.  NeedWorldUpdate = true
  139.  TransMenu = <table> {}
  140.  MapsDrawnOrder = <table> {}
  141.  Frm = <unnamed> {}
  142.  DotZoneScale = 1
  143.  MapPosXDraw = 2107.9952185716
  144.  PlyrX = 2107.9952185716
  145.  BackgndAlphaFull = 1
  146. }
  147. elapsed = 0.027000000700355
  148. Nx = <table> {
  149.  GetDataToolBar = <func> @..\Carbonite.lua:1873
  150.  Util_num2rgba = <func> @..\NxUI.lua:414
  151.  Quest = <table> {}
  152.  TooltipLastDiffNumLines = 5
  153.  VERSIONFAV = 0.13
  154.  CartSetWaypointHitDistance = <func> @..\NxMap.lua:10145
  155.  AIdToId = <table> {}
  156.  prtVar = <func> @..\NxUI.lua:134
  157.  QualityColors = <table> {}
  158.  GroupMembers = <table> {}
  159.  CartAddRoutesWaypoint = <func> @..\NxMap.lua:10104
  160.  OnChat_msg_bg_system_neutral = <func> @..\Carbonite.lua:993
  161.  VERSIONINFO = 0.24
  162.  prtFrame = <func> @..\NxUI.lua:171
  163.  OnTime_played_msg = <func>

Lua Code:
  1. 140x Carbonite-5.1.0 RC1\NxMap.lua:9493: attempt to compare number with nil
  2. Carbonite-5.1.0 RC1\NxMap.lua:9493: in function "IsNormalMap"
  3. Carbonite-5.1.0 RC1\NxCom.lua:753: in function "F"
  4. Carbonite-5.1.0 RC1\NxTimer.lua:111: in function "OnUpdate"
  5. Carbonite\Carbonite-5.1.0 RC1.lua:1113: in function "NXOnUpdate"
  6. <string>:"*:OnUpdate":1: in function <string>:"*:OnUpdate":1
  8. Locals:
  9. self = <table> {
  10.  SendChatMessageFixed = <func> @Carbonite\NxCom.lua:1238
  11.  ZMonitor = <table> {}
  12.  PalNames = <table> {}
  13.  OnLoginTimer = <func> @Carbonite\NxCom.lua:247
  14.  RestoreChars = <func> @Carbonite\NxCom.lua:1272
  15.  IsZoneMonitored = <func> @Carbonite\NxCom.lua:1321
  16.  SendTime = 298396.625
  17.  MakeVersionMsg = <func> @Carbonite\NxCom.lua:315
  18.  LeaveChan = <func> @Carbonite\NxCom.lua:922
  19.  SendPals = <func> @Carbonite\NxCom.lua:1051
  20.  PalsInfo = <table> {}
  21.  PlyrY = 0.40414464473724
  22.  SendQNames = <table> {}
  23.  ZPInfo = <table> {}
  24.  OnChat_msg_channel = <func> @Carbonite\NxCom.lua:461
  25.  Chksum = <func> @Carbonite\NxCom.lua:1171
  26.  PalsSendQ = <table> {}
  27.  ParseLGP = <func> @Carbonite\NxCom.lua:695
  28.  OnChat_msg_addon = <func> @Carbonite\NxCom.lua:505
  29.  SendQMode = 1
  30.  VerPlayers = <table> {}
  31.  OnLeaveATimer = <func> @Carbonite\NxCom.lua:327
  32.  OnBytesSecTimer = <func> @Carbonite\NxCom.lua:180
  33.  OnPlayer_level_up = <func> @Carbonite\NxCom.lua:335
  34.  ShowPlyrVersion = <func> @Carbonite\NxCom.lua:1942
  35.  UpdatePlyrIcons = <func> @Carbonite\NxCom.lua:1773
  36.  SendRate = 1
  37.  OnJoinChanATimer = <func> @Carbonite\NxCom.lua:859
  38.  OnFriendguild_update = <func> @Carbonite\NxCom.lua:345
  39.  TryA = 1
  40.  ChanAName = "CrbB1"
  41.  PlyrChange = 298397.962
  42.  OnJoinChanZTimer = <func> @Carbonite\NxCom.lua:878
  43.  Punks = <table> {}
  44.  MemberNames = <table> {}
  45.  Encode = <func> @Carbonite\NxCom.lua:1207
  46.  SendSecW = <func> @Carbonite\NxCom.lua:1083
  47.  Data = <table> {}
  48.  InChan = <func> @Carbonite\NxCom.lua:1030
  49.  SendPosTime = 298396.625
  50.  ScanChans = <func> @Carbonite\NxCom.lua:975
  51.  PlyrClassI = 7
  52.  SendChanQ = <table> {}
  53.  GetUserVerTimer = <func> @Carbonite\NxCom.lua:2077
  54.  PlyrMapId = 6009
  55.  OnUpdate = <func> @Carbonite\NxCom.lua:1372
  56.  PlyrName = "Erratic"
  57.  SendQ = <table> {}
  58.  SendChan = <func> @Carbonite\NxCom.lua:1148
  59.  SentBytesTime = 298397.512
  60.  SendPMask = 7
  61.  SentBytesSec = 10.499300046681
  62.  Friends = <table> {}
  63.  RcvVersion = <func> @Carbonite\NxCom.lua:2018
  64.  UpdateIcons = <func> @Carbonite\NxCom.lua:1697
  65.  TypeColors = <table> {}
  66.  SendZSkip = 1
  67.  ShowVersionMsg = <func> @Carbonite\NxCom.lua:1910
  68.  IsChksumOK = <func> @Carbonite\NxCom.lua:1183
  69.  GetPlyrQStr = <func> @Carbonite\NxCom.lua:1901
  70.  SendChanTime = 298378.704
  71.  ZStatus = <table> {}
  72.  SentBytes = 336
  73.  JoinChan = <func> @Carbonite\NxCom.lua:821
  74.  GetUserVer = <func> @Carbonite\NxCom.lua:2069
  75.  UpdateChannelsTimer = <func> @Carbonite\NxCom.lua:740
  76.  MonitorZone = <func> @Carbonite\NxCom.lua:1286
  77.  Send = <func> @Carbonite\NxCom.lua:1096
  78.  ClassNames = <table> {}
  79.  OnTestTimer = <func> @Carbonite\NxCom.lua:165
  80.  ChanALetter = "B"
  81.  ParsePlyrStatus = <func> @Carbonite\NxCom.lua:585
  82.  OnMsgVersion = <func> @Carbonite\NxCom.lua:1950
  83.  SendSecG = <func> @Carbonite\NxCom.lua:1061
  84.  LeaveChans = <func> @Carbonite\NxCom.lua:938
  85.  OnChatEvent = <func> @Carbonite\NxCom.lua:388
  86.  Name = "Crb"
  87.  Decode = <func> @Add

Lua Code:
  1. 42x Carbonite-5.1.0 RC1\NxMap.lua:9089: bad argument #2 to "strsplit" (string expected, got nil)
  2. <in C code>
  3. Carbonite-5.1.0 RC1\NxMap.lua:9089: in function "GetInstanceID"
  4. Carbonite-5.1.0 RC1\NxMap.lua:9109: in function <Carbonite\NxMap.lua:9098>
  5. (tail call): ?
  6. Carbonite-5.1.0 RC1\NxMapGuide.lua:1181: in function "UpdateMapIcons"
  7. Carbonite-5.1.0 RC1\NxQuest.lua:1808: in function "RecordQuestsLog"
  8. Carbonite-5.1.0 RC1\NxQuest.lua:1381: in function "RecordQuests"
  9. Carbonite-5.1.0 RC1\NxQuest.lua:4733: in function "LogUpdate"
  10. Carbonite-5.1.0 RC1\NxQuest.lua:4702: in function "?"
  11. Carbonite-5.1.0 RC1\NxUI.lua:2780: in function <Carbonite\NxUI.lua:2762>
  13. Locals:
  14. self = <table> {
  15.  MiniBlks = 6
  16.  IconScale = 1
  17.  MenuIShowWorld = <table> {}
  18.  GIconMenuITogInst = <table> {}
  19.  PlyrRZY = 39.529037475586
  20.  MMScalesC = <table> {}
  21.  GOpts = <table> {}
  22.  LOpts = <table> {}
  23.  Guide = <table> {}
  24.  PlyrLastDir = 344.60558347878
  25.  WorldHotspots = <table> {}
  26.  Menu = <table> {}
  27.  EffScale = 0.89999997615814
  28.  Zone = 9
  29.  WorldAlpha = -1.#IND
  30.  StartupShown = 1
  31.  ScaleDraw = 1.0406048463246
  32.  BackgndAlphaFade = 1
  33.  MoveLastX = 2107.9952185716
  34.  PlyrDir = 344.60558347878
  35.  PlyrSpeedCalcTime = 298389.926
  36.  MapPosYDraw = 1476.1103394989
  37.  ArchAlpha = 0.3
  38.  MapScale = 0.10385277907431
  39.  CurMapBG = false
  40.  PadX = 0
  41.  BGIncNum = 0
  42.  MenuIMonitorZone = <table> {}
  43.  MapW = 311.78335571289
  44.  MMGathererUpdateDelay = 1
  45.  MMAddonFrms = <table> {}
  46.  LClickTime = 0
  47.  MouseEnabled = true
  48.  ButAutoScaleOn = <table> {}
  49.  MapH = 172.19873046875
  50.  MMScales = <table> {}
  51.  MMArrowName = ""
  52.  MapPosX = 2107.9952185716
  53.  BackgndAlphaTarget = 1
  54.  MoveDir = 180
  55.  BGGrowBars = true
  56.  ArrowScroll = 0.38
  57.  H = 141
  58.  Tick = 9909
  59.  IconNIFrms = <table> {}
  60.  LastDungeonLevel = 0
  61.  BaseScale = 1
  62.  ToolBar = <table> {}
  63.  MoveLastY = 1476.1103394989
  64.  MenuIShowHerb = <table> {}
  65.  DotPartyScale = 1
  66.  DotPalScale = 1
  67.  QuestAlpha = 0.3
  68.  CurWorldUpdateOverlayNum = 12
  69.  MMFScale = 0.69373656421637
  70.  Scale = 1.0406048463246
  71.  TextFrm = <unnamed> {}
  72.  BackgndAlpha = 1
  73.  ArrowPulse = 1
  74.  MenuIShowMine = <table> {}
  75.  MapId = 6009
  76.  MMOwn = true
  77.  MMModels = <table> {}
  78.  Size1 = 0.83333335540913
  79.  ShowUnexplored = false
  80.  InstLevelSet = 0
  81.  Arch = <unnamed> {}
  82.  PIconMenu = <table> {}
  83.  DotRaidScale = 1
  84.  MapIndex = 1
  85.  StepTime = 0
  86.  PlyrSpeedX = 2107.9952185716
  87.  PlyrFrm = <unnamed> {}
  88.  DebugAdjustScale = 0.1
  89.  ScaleDrawW = 0.96097957215174
  90.  IconStaticFrms = <table> {}
  91.  UpdateTrackingDelay = 0
  92.  IconNavScale = 1
  93.  MiniFrms = <table> {}
  94.  WorldHotspotTipStr = "Pandaria, |cffffff00Kun-Lai Summit (86-88)
  95. "
  96.  CurOverlaysTexFolder = "ValeofEternalBlossoms"
  97.  Win = <table> {}
  98.  InstanceId = false
  99.  RealScale = 1.0406048463246
  100.  Data = <table> {}
  101.  TrackDir = false
  102.  RMapId = 6009
  103.  TrackETA = false
  104.  BGIconMenu = <table> {}
  105.  CurOverlays = <table> {}
  106.  MMMaskName = "Buttons\White8x8"
  107.  MMZoomChanged = false
  108.  LocTipFStrs = <table> {}
  109.  TrackPlyrs = <table> {}
  110.  MMScale = 1.0406048463246
  111.  MMZoomType = 1
  112.  TextScFrm = <unnamed> {}
  113.  GIconMenuIFindNote = <table> {}
  114.  Targets = <table> {}
  115.  QuestWin = <unnamed> {}
  116.  WorldHotspotsCity = <table> {}
  117.  MapPosY = 1476.1103394989
  118.  IconFrms = <table> {}
  119.  PlyrY = 1476.1103394989
  120.  Tracking = <table> {}
  121.  Cont = 6
  122.  TextFStrs = <table> {}
  123.  Scrolling = false
  124.  TargetNextUniqueId = 1
  125.  Level = 38
  126.  LocTipFrm = NxMapTip {}
  127.  MapsDrawnFade = <table> {}
  128.  W = 150
  129.  ContFrms = <table> {}
  130.  GIconMenu = <table> {}
  131.  TileFrms = <table> {}
  132.  ScaleW = 0.96097957215174
  133.  UpdateTargetDelay = 0
  134.  CurOpts = <table> {}
  135.  MenuIPlyrFollow = <table> {}
  136.  TitleH = 0
  137.  CurWorldUpdateMapId = 6009
  138.  PlyrSpeed = 0
  139.  PlyrSpeedY = 1476.1103394989
  140.  MMAlphaDelay = 0
  141.  MMOwnedFrms = <table> {}
  142.  MMChkDelay = 32
  143.  PlyrRZX = 51.433253288269
  144.  KillShow = false
  145.  ViewSavedData = <table> {}
  146.  NeedWorldUpdate = true
  147.  TransMenu = <table> {}
  148.  MapsDrawnOrder = <table> {}
  149.  Frm = <unnamed> {}
  150.  DotZoneScale = 1
  151.  MapPosXDraw = 2107.9952185716
  152.  PlyrX = 2107.9952185716
  153.  BackgndAlphaFull = 1
  154. }
  155. id = nil

Last edited by mjumnito : 12-08-12 at 07:34 PM.

WoWInterface » Featured Projects » Carbonite » Carbonite Archive » [5.1.0 RC1] Greenstone Village Bugs

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