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11-30-12, 05:01 PM   #1
Xylan Trueheart
Premium Member
Premium Member
Join Date: Feb 2005
Posts: 64
Error entering instance and

My previous post of a entering error was based on Beta version 5.1.0 which I didn't realize was undated with Version:

However now I received this error entering a LFD instance. As seen by BugGrabber, enUS client. I uninstalled the previous version and installed Version:

Also I am unable to accept any quests inside of Shado-Pan Monastery.

149x Carbonite-5.1.0 BETA\NxMap.lua:9093: bad argument #2 to "strsplit" (string expected, got nil)
<in C code>
Carbonite-5.1.0 BETA\NxMap.lua:9093: in function "GetInstanceID"
Carbonite-5.1.0 BETA\NxMap.lua:9108: in function <Carbonite\NxMap.lua:9098>
(tail call): ?
Carbonite-5.1.0 BETA\NxMapGuide.lua:1181: in function "UpdateMapIcons"
Carbonite-5.1.0 BETA\NxQuest.lua:1808: in function "RecordQuestsLog"
Carbonite-5.1.0 BETA\NxQuest.lua:1381: in function "RecordQuests"
Carbonite-5.1.0 BETA\NxQuest.lua:4733: in function "LogUpdate"
Carbonite-5.1.0 BETA\NxQuest.lua:4702: in function "?"
Carbonite-5.1.0 BETA\NxUI.lua:2780: in function <Carbonite\NxUI.lua:2762>

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faction = nil
cont = nil
entryId = nil
entryPos = nil
entryZone = nil

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