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10-08-12, 05:05 PM   #1
An Onyxian Warder
JimJoBlue's Avatar
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Join Date: Aug 2012
Posts: 362
Dark Moon Faire

Here is my bug report for the DMF problem..
the map DOES show in the minimap, but it's got things like digsites and a tavern in the overlay.
Using the 5.052 from WowInterface

25x Carbonite-5.05.02\NxMapData.lua:7344: attempt to index field "?" (a nil value)
Carbonite-5.05.02\NxMapData.lua:7344: in function "GetMiniBlkName"
Carbonite-5.05.02\NxMap.lua:6818: in function "UpdateMiniFrames"
Carbonite-5.05.02\NxMap.lua:6465: in function "UpdateZones"
Carbonite-5.05.02\NxMap.lua:4754: in function "Update"
Carbonite-5.05.02\NxMap.lua:4023: in function <Carbonite\NxMap.lua:3947>

self = <table> {
MiniBlks = 6
IconScale = 1
MMZoomType = 0
GIconMenuITogInst = <table> {}
TargetNextUniqueId = 19
MMScalesC = <table> {}
GOpts = <table> {}
LOpts = <table> {}
TextFStrs = <table> {}
PlyrLastDir = 176.40000718521
Scrolling = false
WorldMapFrm = WorldMapButton {}
Menu = <table> {}
ScrollingX = 870.00005185604
EffScale = 0.79999995231628
Zone = 5
WorldAlpha = 0
StartupShown = 1
ScaleDraw = 3.1657222547029
ClickFrmY = 159.83314695954
BackgndAlphaFade = 0.4
MoveLastX = -1430.110142231
PlyrDir = 176.40000718521
PlyrSpeedCalcTime = 33207.292
MapPosYDraw = -2773.3333333333
PlyrSpeed = 0
MapScale = 0.31594034478073
CurMapBG = false
PadX = 0
BGIncNum = 0
ViewSavedData = <table> {}
MapW = 1248.8002929688
MMGathererUpdateDelay = 1
MMAddonFrms = <table> {}
LClickTime = 0
MouseEnabled = true
ButAutoScaleOn = <table> {}
MapH = 801.98297119141
MMScales = <table> {}
WorldMapFrmScale = 0.69099998474121
MMArrowName = "Minimap\MinimapArrow"
MapPosX = -1435
BackgndAlphaTarget = 0.4
MapsDrawnOrder = <table> {}
BGGrowBars = true
ArrowScroll = 0.53
H = 141
Tick = 77791
IconNIFrms = <table> {}
BaseScale = 1
ToolBar = <table> {}
MoveLastY = -2839.5569578807
MenuIShowHerb = <table> {}
DotPartyScale = 1
DotPalScale = 1
MouseIsOver = 634.21688327194
CurWorldUpdateOverlayNum = 1
MMZoomChanged = false
Scale = 3.1657222547029
Targets = <table> {}
MenuMapId = 6006
WorldMapFrmMapId = 0
BackgndAlpha = 0.4
ArrowPulse = 1
MenuIShowMine = <table> {}
MapId = 5005
MMOwn = true
MMModels = <table> {}
Size1 = 0.93750005587936
ShowUnexplored = false
InstLevelSet = 0
PIconMenu = <table> {}
TrackName = "Goto 57, 45"
TrackDistYd = 35693.924488845
LocTipFrm = NxMapTip {}
MapIndex = 1
ScrollingY = 519.99995470047
StepTime = 0
PlyrSpeedX = -1430.110142231
PlyrFrm = <unnamed> {}
MenuIShowWorld = <table> {}
DebugAdjustScale = 0.1
ScaleDrawW = 0.31588368136669
IconStaticFrms = <table> {}
UpdateTrackingDelay = 10
IconNavScale = 1
WorldMapFrmParent = WorldMapFrame {}
MiniFrms = <table> {}
CurOverlaysTexFolder = "darkmoonfaireisland"
WorldHotspotTipStr = false
Win = <table> {}
InstanceId = false
ScaleBeforeTarget = 1.5324511560258
Data = <table> {}
TrackDir = 146.60620314116
RMapId = 2010
BGIconMenu = <table> {}
CurOverlays = <table> {}
LocTipFStrs = <table> {}
TrackPlyrs = <table> {}
TrackETA = false
MMFScale = 0.4
TextScFrm = <unnamed> {}
ClickFrmX = 614.21688207984
GIconMenuIFindNote = <table> {}
TextFrm = <unnamed> {}
GIconMenu = <table> {}
WorldHotspotsCity = <table> {}
MMMaskName = "Buttons\White8x8"
MMScale = 0.04006092344204
MapPosY = -2773.3333333333
Tracking = <table> {}
Guide = <table> {}
WorldHotspots = <table> {}
PlyrRZY = -4559.335436821
Cont = 5
DotRaidScale = 1
CurWorldUpdateMapId = 5005
MapsDrawnFade = <table> {}
PlyrSpeedY = -2839.5569578807
ContFrms = <table> {}
Level = 122
TileFrms = <table> {}
ScaleW = 0.31588368136668
UpdateTargetDelay = 0
CurOpts = <table> {}
MenuIPlyrFollow = <table> {}
TitleH = 0
W = 150
IconFrms = <table> {}
MMAlphaDelay = 0
MMOwnedFrms = <table> {}
MMChkDelay = 27
MenuIMonitorZone = <table> {}
PlyrRZX = -3430.110142231
KillShow = false
DotZoneScale = 1
NeedWorldUpdate = false
PlyrY = -2839.5569578807
MapPosXDraw = -1435
Frm = <unnamed> {}
TransMenu = <table> {}
MoveDir = 180
BackgndAlphaFull = 1
PlyrX = -1430.110142231
Map = <table> {
Menu_OnTrackPlyr = <func> @Carbonite\NxMap.lua:3102
Menu_OnClearGoto = <func> @Carbonite\NxMap.lua:2958
ZoneOverlays = <table> {}
HideExtraFrames = <func> @Carbonite\NxInfo.lua:1107
MinimapOwnInit = <func> @Carbonite\NxMap.lua:2122
MinimapUpdateDetachedFrms = <func> @Carbonite\NxMap.lua:2897
Menu_OnDotZoneScale = <func> @Carbonite\NxMap.lua:3024
I still say a church steeple with a lightning rod on top shows a lack of confidence. Doug McLeod

Last edited by JimJoBlue : 10-08-12 at 05:07 PM.

WoWInterface » Featured Projects » Carbonite » Carbonite Archive » Dark Moon Faire

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