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11-29-12, 07:14 PM   #1
Xylan Trueheart
Premium Member
Premium Member
Join Date: Feb 2005
Posts: 64
Error entering combat in LFD

Got this error as seen by BugGrabber, enUS client

24x Carbonite-5.1.0 BETA\NxMap.lua:9119: stack overflow
Carbonite-5.1.0 BETA\NxMap.lua:9119: in function "GetCurrentMapId"
Carbonite-5.1.0 BETA\NxMap.lua:9093: in function <Carbonite\NxMap.lua:9085>
(tail call): ?
Carbonite-5.1.0 BETA\NxMap.lua:9093: in function <Carbonite\NxMap.lua:9085>
(tail call): ?
Carbonite-5.1.0 BETA\NxMap.lua:9093: in function <Carbonite\NxMap.lua:9085>
(tail call): ?
Carbonite-5.1.0 BETA\NxMap.lua:9093: in function <Carbonite\NxMap.lua:9085>
(tail call): ?
Carbonite-5.1.0 BETA\NxMap.lua:9093: in function <Carbonite\NxMap.lua:9085>
(tail call): ?
Carbonite-5.1.0 BETA\NxMap.lua:9093: in function <Carbonite\NxMap.lua:9085>
NxMap.lua:9093: in function <Carbonite\NxMap.lua:9085>
(tail call): ?
Carbonite-5.1.0 BETA\NxMap.lua:9093: in function <Carbonite\NxMap.lua:9085>
(tail call): ?
Carbonite-5.1.0 BETA\NxMapGuide.lua:1181: in function "UpdateMapIcons"
Carbonite-5.1.0 BETA\NxQuest.lua:1808: in function "RecordQuestsLog"
Carbonite-5.1.0 BETA\NxQuest.lua:1381: in function "RecordQuests"
Carbonite-5.1.0 BETA\NxQuest.lua:4733: in function "LogUpdate"
Carbonite-5.1.0 BETA\NxQuest.lua:4702: in function "?"
Carbonite-5.1.0 BETA\NxUI.lua:2780: in function <Carbonite\NxUI.lua:2762>

self = <table> {
MiniBlks = 6
IconScale = 1
MenuIShowWorld = <table> {}
GIconMenuITogInst = <table> {}
MapPosY = 1221.7192576103
MMScalesC = <table> {}
GOpts = <table> {}
LOpts = <table> {}
Guide = <table> {}
PlyrLastDir = 297.76520824524
WorldHotspots = <table> {}
Menu = <table> {}
EffScale = 0.69999998807907
Zone = 6
WorldAlpha = 0
StartupShown = 1
ScaleDraw = 4
BackgndAlphaFade = 0.4
MoveLastX = 2652.3679489619
PlyrDir = 297.76520824524
PlyrSpeedCalcTime = 165361.796
MapPosYDraw = 1221.7192576103
ArchAlpha = 0.3
MapScale = 0.39920159680639
CurMapBG = false
PadX = 0
BGIncNum = 0
MenuIMonitorZone = <table> {}
MapW = 194.78623962402
MMGathererUpdateDelay = 1
LClickTime = 0
MouseEnabled = true
ButAutoScaleOn = <table> {}
MapH = 192.51432800293
MMScales = <table> {}
WorldMapFrmScale = 0.69099998474121
MapPosX = 2652.3679489619
BackgndAlphaTarget = 0.4
MoveDir = 180
BGGrowBars = true
ArrowScroll = 0.61
H = 141
Tick = 96083
IconNIFrms = <table> {}
LastDungeonLevel = 0
BaseScale = 1
ToolBar = <table> {}
MoveLastY = 1221.7192576103
MenuIShowHerb = <table> {}
DotPartyScale = 1
DotPalScale = 1
QuestAlpha = 0.3
CurWorldUpdateOverlayNum = 23
Scale = 4
TextFrm = <unnamed> {}
MMGlowInited = true
ArrowPulse = 1
MenuIShowMine = <table> {}
MapId = 6006
MMOwn = false
Size1 = 1.0714285896749
ShowUnexplored = false
Arch = <unnamed> {}
PIconMenu = <table> {}
DotRaidScale = 1
GIconMenu = <table> {}
StepTime = 0
PlyrSpeedX = 2652.3679489619
PlyrFrm = <unnamed> {}
TrackDistYd = 73.76366678343
DebugAdjustScale = 0.1
ScaleDrawW = 0.25
IconStaticFrms = <table> {}
UpdateTrackingDelay = 0
IconNavScale = 1
TrackName = "Tian Monastery, Jade Forest"
WorldMapFrmParent = WorldMapFrame {}
MiniFrms = <table> {}
WorldHotspotTipStr = "Pandaria, |cffffff00The Jade Forest (85-87)
WorldMapFrmMapId = 6006
Win = <table> {}
InstanceId = false
RealScale = 1.6209279567145
Data = <table> {}
TrackDir = false
BGIconMenu = <table> {}
CurOverlays = <table> {}
LocTipFStrs = <table> {}
TrackPlyrs = <table> {}
RMapId = 6006
CurOverlaysTexFolder = "TheJadeForest"
TextScFrm = <unnamed> {}
Targets = <table> {}
GIconMenuIFindNote = <table> {}
MapIndex = 1
QuestWin = <unnamed> {}
WorldHotspotsCity = <table> {}
TrackETA = false
BackgndAlpha = 0.4
TileFrms = <table> {}
Tracking = <table> {}
PlyrY = 1221.7192576103
MapPosXDraw = 2652.3679489619
TextFStrs = <table> {}
Scrolling = false
TargetNextUniqueId = 1
Cont = 6
MapsDrawnFade = <table> {}
Level = 41
ContFrms = <table> {}
LocTipFrm = NxMapTip {}
CurWorldUpdateMapId = 6006
ScaleW = 0.25
UpdateTargetDelay = 0
CurOpts = <table> {}
MenuIPlyrFollow = <table> {}
TitleH = 0
PlyrRZY = 23.624384403229
IconFrms = <table> {}
PlyrSpeed = 0
PlyrSpeedY = 1221.7192576103
W = 150
MMOwnedFrms = <table> {}
PlyrRZX = 42.897707223892
KillShow = false
ViewSavedData = <table> {}
NeedWorldUpdate = true
MMChkDelay = 2
TransMenu = <table> {}
Frm = <unnamed> {}
MapsDrawnOrder = <table> {}
DotZoneScale = 1
PlyrX = 2652.3679489619
BackgndAlphaFull = 1
zName = "The Jade Forest"
mapId = 6006
name = "Stormstout Brewery"
instanceType = "party"
difficultyIndex = 1
difficultyName = "Normal"
maxPlayers = 5
dynamicDifficulty = 0
isDynamic = false
mapID = 961
11-29-12, 07:48 PM   #2
Xylan Trueheart
Premium Member
Premium Member
Join Date: Feb 2005
Posts: 64
Another error while in LFD

As seen by BugGrabber, enUS client

52x Carbonite-5.1.0 BETA\NxCom.lua:1406: attempt to perform arithmetic on field "SendTime" (a nil value)
Carbonite-5.1.0 BETA\NxCom.lua:1406: in function "OnUpdate"
Carbonite\Carbonite-5.1.0 BETA.lua:1184: in function "NXOnUpdate"
<string>:"*:OnUpdate":1: in function <string>:"*:OnUpdate":1

self = <table> {
GetDataToolBar = <func> @..\Carbonite.lua:1873
Util_num2rgba = <func> @..\NxUI.lua:414
Quest = <table> {}
TooltipLastDiffNumLines = 4
CartSetWaypointHitDistance = <func> @..\NxMap.lua:10128
AIdToId = <table> {}
prtVar = <func> @..\NxUI.lua:134
QualityColors = <table> {}
GroupMembers = <table> {}
CartAddRoutesWaypoint = <func> @..\NxMap.lua:10087
OnChat_msg_bg_system_neutral = <func> @..\Carbonite.lua:993
prtFrame = <func> @..\NxUI.lua:171
OnTime_played_msg = <func> @..\Carbonite.lua:676
Graph = <table> {}
ShowEditBox = <func> @..\Carbonite.lua:1300
GatherInit = <func> @..\Carbonite.lua:3604
prtTable = <func> @..\NxUI.lua:119
Font = <table> {}
Util_TMoveI = <func> @..\NxUI.lua:311
SetTooltipText = <func> @..\NxUI.lua:682
GatherDeleteMine = <func> @..\Carbonite.lua:3835
MenuI = <table> {}
OnPlayer_regen_disabled = <func> @..\Carbonite.lua:846
ClearSocial = <func> @..\Carbonite.lua:1916
OnPlayer_regen_enabled = <func> @..\Carbonite.lua:854
Zones = <table> {}
Script = <table> {}
GuideData = <table> {}
Util_c2rgb = <func> @..\NxUI.lua:389
MapOverlayToMapId = <table> {}
GatherUnpack = <func> @..\Carbonite.lua:3821
GatherDeleteHerb = <func> @..\Carbonite.lua:3831
TabBar = <table> {}
Window = <table> {}
Util_SnapToScreen = <func> @..\NxUI.lua:542
NPCData = <table> {}
Tick = 1
UnitDTip = <func> @..\Carbonite.lua:769
UnpackEvent = <func> @..\Carbonite.lua:2374
ToolBar = <table> {}
FindCharacter = <func> @..\Carbonite.lua:2117
CloseWindows = <func> @..\Carbonite.lua:1258
MapWorldHotspots = <table> {}
HideUIPanel = <func> @..\Carbonite.lua:1239
InfoStats = <table> {}
Fav = <table> {}
NXWarehouseKeyToggleShow = <func> @..\NxWarehouse.lua:310
UnitDCapture = <func> @..\Carbonite.lua:746
prtStrHex = <func> @..\NxUI.lua:154
GetEventMapId = <func> @..\Carbonite.lua:2365
QuestStartEnd = <table> {}
Util_TMoveItem = <func> @..\NxUI.lua:330
VERSIONTransferData = 0.1
Util_TCopyRecurse = <func> @..\NxUI.lua:279
VERSIONWin = 0.31
prtCtrl = <func> @..\NxUI.lua:111
CalendarDate = 0
NXMapKeyTogHerb = <func> @..\NxMap.lua:3682
GatherRemap = <table> {}
DebugOn = false
NXMiniMapBut = <table> {}
GetRealmCharName = <func> @..\Carbonite.lua:2062
CopyCharacterData = <func> @..\Carbonite.lua:1717
VERMINOR = 0.005
OnPlayer_level_up = <func> @..\Carbonite.lua:952
Util_CapStr = <func> @..\NxUI.lua:236
CartAddWaypoint = <func> @..\NxMap.lua:10106
Title = <table> {}
Com = <table> {}
UIInit = <func> @Car
11-29-12, 08:36 PM   #3
Featured Artist
Join Date: Aug 2012
Posts: 1,458
5.1.0 or ... the stack overflow should of been fixed, just wanna make sure another hasn't popped up.

WoWInterface » Featured Projects » Carbonite » Carbonite Archive » Error entering combat in LFD

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