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MusicTheme : Creating a Theme
== Create a theme file ==

Theme files are located in the Interface\AddOns\MusicTheme\ThemeData folder. To create a new theme file, follow these steps:

* Create a new folder inside the ThemeData folder named MyTheme.

* Create a new file MyTheme.lua inside your ThemeData\MyTheme folder.

* Edit the MusicTheme.toc file in Interface\AddOns\MusicTheme folder by adding
== Add your songs to the theme folder ==

* Create a Sounds folder inside your ThemeData\MyTheme folder. Put the sounds for your theme inside.

== Editing the theme file ==

Its best to look at an already made theme file, but here are the attributes that are contained in the theme file (MyTheme.lua):
MusicTheme.Themes["MyTheme"] {
name = "MyTheme",
RestSong = "Interface\\AddOns\\MusicTheme\\ThemeData\\MyTheme\\Sounds\\RestSong.mp3",
* The first line registered the theme with MusicTheme
* name - the name of your theme
* The rest of the attributes define which song to play for each action. A full path to the song must be provided. The actual name of the song (i.e. RestSong.mp3) can be whatever, it does NOT have to be the same as the song label. If any of the song labels are missing or the song does not exist, no song will be played and the default game song should be heard.

Here is a list of the song labels:

RestSong - plays inside inns (excluding major cities that enable a constant rest state)
Mounted1Song - random select for mounted
Mounted2Song - random select for mounted
Mounted3Song - random select for mounted
EscapeSong - plays if your mounted but in combat
BattleSong - in combat music
PVPSong - in combat with a player
BossSong - in combat with a worldboss, rareelite, or rare
BG1Song - random select for in a battleground
BG2Song - random select for in a battleground
BG3Song - random select for in a battleground
FanFare - when you gain exp
Dies - when you die
Kill - when a hostile target dies
GhostSong - when you are a ghost
TaxiSong - when you are on a gryphon or bat
SwimSong - when you are swimming
FanFareSong - if your battleground side wins
OrgrimmarSong - in Orgrimmar
ThunderBluffSong - in Thunder Bluff
UndercitySong - in Undercity
StormwindSong - in Stormwind
TheExodarSong - in The Exodar
DarnassusSong - in Darnassus
Iron Forge - in Iron Forge
OutsideDayFSong - in a friendly zone at day time
OutsideNightFSong - in a friendly zone at night time
OutsideDayHSong - in a hostile zone at day time
OutsideNightHSong - in a hostile zone at night time
OutsideDayCSong - in a contested zone at day time
OutsideNightCSong - in a contested zone at night time

== Finishing ==

You can now launch the WoW client and access the themes with the slash commands (/musictheme theme).