I like really, really, really complex bars. How do you do this in Macaroon?
- Macaroon introduces a new feature call bar linking. This allows for quite complex bar setups not previously available in Trinity Bars 2.0. Trinity Bars 1.0 users may remember all the fun with the header manager :P Well, this is that feature reborn in a MUCH easier to use fashion.

- First, some concepts to understand. The linking is based on a driver-workhorse-driver relationship. A "driver" is a bar, with or without buttons, that determines when another bar, a "workhorse", shows or not. A "workhorse" bar can also serve the role as a "driver" to another "workhorse" bar.

- Second. It is important to understand that none of the bars in these relationships *need* to have buttons. You first and foremost concern for each bar is: Does it have the state I want to show another bar?

-So with that said, I am going to use an example of an actual setup a user requested to be done. We are going to create a combat/retreat bar, each state having its *own* alt bar. Combat being defined as "show only when in combat" and retreat as "show only when not in combat".

1) Create 3 bars. Bar 1 will be a driver bar, 2 and 3 will be workhorse bars.
2) On the driver bar, enable "Combat". At this point, do not add buttons to any state.
3) On both workhorse bars, enable "Alt".
4) Bar 2, a workhorse bar, will be our "Combat" bar. Add combat buttons to the "Normal" state and alt buttons to the "Alt" state.
5) Now, still on Bar 2, using the bar config panel, display the text edit options. You will see a "Linked To:" dropdown and a "State:" dropdown. On the "Linked To:" dropdown, select Bar 1. On the "State:" dropdown, select "Battle".
6) Switch to Bar 3. This bar will become our "Retreat" bar. Add retreat buttons to the "Normal" state and alt buttons to the "Alt" state
5) Now, on Bar 3, using the bar config panel, display the text edit options. You will see a "Linked To:" dropdown and a "State:" dropdown. On the "Linked To:" dropdown, select Bar 1. On the "State:" dropdown, select "Normal".
7) Enjoy your new setup! :banana:

To make things even more complex, the workhorse bars can become driver bars for other workhorse bars. Using the above example, on bar 2, instead of adding buttons to the "Normal" state, you could leave it blank, make a 4th stance-enabled workhorse bar, add buttons to each stance state, and then link it to Bar 2's "Normal" state. You would now have a combat-only stance bar with its own unique alt bar while in combat and a non-combat bar with its own unique alt bar. Neat, huh? :)

This system may seem a bit complex at first, but it offers some real flexibility. Just remember, "With great flexibility comes great configuration..."