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Voorije's Portal : Bug List Sort Options Bug Report RSS Feed
ID Bug Date By Status Reverse Sort Order Interface Comment
5269 No options to disable disease display! 12-13-08 04:07 PM oxygenownz Unconfirmed RuneWatch None.
5493 Sometimes Rune doesn't go on CD 03-01-09 08:58 AM syk09 Unconfirmed RuneWatch None.
5425 Minimap Icon Reappears after relog, dispite being disabled 01-28-09 08:24 PM Solkard Unconfirmed RuneWatch None.
5716 Minimap setting not saved + Simple Suggestion 04-22-09 09:43 PM xteroid Unconfirmed RuneWatch None.
6445 Chain-pulling sometimes make frame fade out 02-06-10 07:15 PM Figgs Unconfirmed RuneWatch None.
4733 Shine error again 09-20-08 05:02 AM Vampyrate Not a Bug RuneWatch
By: Vampyrate
09-22-08 04:47 PM
4737 Blood runes do not convert to death runes properly. 09-21-08 05:30 PM xythian Game Bug (Cant fix) RuneWatch
By: Voorije
09-22-08 04:17 PM
4718 Getting "shine" error on runewatch 09-09-08 09:52 AM d_malnati Fixed RuneWatch
By: Voorije
09-10-08 04:27 AM
4735 Runic Power indicator no longer working 09-20-08 11:39 AM Henn and Coke Fixed RuneWatch
By: Voorije
09-22-08 03:27 AM
4738 # Diseases = All DKs 09-21-08 10:37 PM xythian Fixed RuneWatch
By: Voorije
09-22-08 02:08 AM