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ckknight's Portal : Feature List Sort Options Feature Request RSS Feed
ID Feature Date By Status Interface Reverse Sort Order Comment
2359 Option to hide waypoint arrow, and only show mapnote. 07-08-07 02:35 AM Dez Under Review Cartographer None.
1980 Atlasloot Support 01-17-07 06:29 PM PL9855 Under Review Cartographer None.
2181 Consolidate mining rare-spawns. 03-23-07 02:49 PM ZombiePope Under Review Cartographer None.
2289 Re-Add Edge Transparency 05-26-07 04:38 PM Micah Under Review Cartographer None.
1978 Simple directional arrow request 01-17-07 12:31 PM Wowgamer233 Under Review Cartographer
By: bwh
02-11-07 10:33 AM
2306 Player Position in Instances 06-04-07 01:11 PM syed Under Review Cartographer None.
2346 EDIT already existing notes 06-25-07 06:32 AM xyrrgh Under Review Cartographer None.
2339 Friend position (like guild position) 06-19-07 03:43 PM Zintin Under Review Cartographer None.
2231 personal maps 04-19-07 03:34 AM inzain Under Review Cartographer None.
2259 Map Scale 05-10-07 03:47 AM M-A-X Under Review Cartographer
By: Solkan
05-24-07 06:22 AM
2279 QuickNote 05-24-07 06:21 AM Solkan Under Review Cartographer
By: Solkan
05-24-07 11:13 AM
1943 LBRS Map? 01-08-07 07:03 PM Skan Under Review Cartographer
By: Skan
01-08-07 07:08 PM
1688 Gatherer data 12-08-06 02:26 PM beesknees Under Review Cartographer
By: tirlimpams
12-19-06 01:08 PM
1711 Side frames 12-09-06 05:19 PM Heron Under Review Cartographer
By: JaedxRapture
09-16-07 05:38 PM
1942 Display of unexplored areas on the map. 01-08-07 11:19 AM Nicci Under Review Cartographer None.
2138 Flight paths! 03-06-07 09:28 AM JaedxRapture Under Review Cartographer None.
1748 moor catograph 12-11-06 06:08 PM Prismatech Under Review Cartographer None.
1762 Cartographer Loot 12-12-06 06:30 PM Aestil Under Review Cartographer
By: ckknight
12-14-06 12:20 AM
1771 Minimap Icons 12-13-06 11:08 AM Charkus Under Review Cartographer
By: Sepioth
12-28-06 09:52 PM
1787 Minimap detail as Worldmap 12-14-06 03:24 PM Arokh Under Review Cartographer
By: Friikki
12-26-06 06:00 PM