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    View Bug Report
    Disconnect loading WOW after Patch 1.11
    Bug #: 1524
    File: Cirk's Chatmanager
    Date: 06-25-06 12:27 PM
    By: Odron
    Status: Fixed
    Hi Cirk,

    thanks for your great addon.

    After patch 1.11 i vant use your chatmanager anymore, because i get disconnected from the server right after the loading screen. Could it be the many user in the global LFG Channel?

    This even happens with the new, 1.11-ready version.

    Is there any way to fix this?

    Thanks for your help..


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    By: Cirk - 06-25-06 05:05 PM
    Hi Odron, thanks for the report. I've not seen this problem with the LFG channel (even when it has many hundreds of players in it). Can you confirm that enabling/disabling Chatmanager alone (via the Addons screen) fixes the problem? Also, try leaving the LFG channel and see if that allows you to run Chatmanager (this would be good information to know).

    -- Cirk
    By: Odron - 06-28-06 09:40 AM
    Hi Cirk,

    after doing some testig today I can confirm that my disconnecting problem comes with your Chatmanager Addon.

    Even after completely deinstalling all other addons i get disconnected from the server a few seconds after my ui loads. I donīt know if this is related to the many users on the LFG Channel (about 12000 while testing) but after leaving the channel the problem went away... Joining the channel again after I was already in the game didnīt disconnect me.

    I am using the German Client of WoW by the way... Before patch 1.11 i always used the chatmanager and never experienced this problem.

    I hope you find a solution for this so I can continue to use this nice addon.

    Best regards,

    By: Cirk - 06-28-06 06:46 PM
    Thanks for the feedback Odron. It kind of matches what I've been seeing as well now that I've been playing some more during peak hours (although I don't get disconnected - just slowed right down for the first 20 or so seconds). I'm fairly sure I can remedy this, although need to do a bit more testing, but hopefully I'll have a 1.11.1 version out with a fix in it soon.

    Thanks again!
    -- Cirk
    By: Cirk - 07-01-06 07:10 PM
    I've just uploaded v1.11.1 of Chatmanager which no longer requests the player lists for the server channels immediately when logging in. Hopefully that will fix this issue for you Odron. Let me know if it is still having problems!

    -- Cirk
    By: Odron - 07-04-06 10:29 AM
    Hi Cirk,

    Itīs working fine again. Thanx very much for your quick fix :-)

