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LootFrames in wrong position
Bug #: 1753
File: FuBar 3.6.5
Date: 07-27-06 07:46 PM
By: Mikma
Status: Unconfirmed
This cosmic clitch has been around since FuBar1, but it's not in FuBar2 also.

When I have FuBar enabled, my Roll-windows are moved to the left.
If I disable FuBar, they go back in the center of the screen.
I'm using FuBar2 from SVN with Auto-Adjust on.

Picture NR.1 is Without FuBar:

Picture NR.2 is with FuBar2 loaded:

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By: Mikma - 07-27-06 07:49 PM
Named it wrong, it's RollFrames
This can be tested with /script GroupLootFrame1:Show() .. Be warned about the huge spamflood you will get when you open the frame!
By: Mikma - 07-27-06 07:55 PM
hehe... "but it's not in FuBar2 also." = "but it's in FuBar2 also"