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Problem with right-clicking FuBar and most addons for FuBar
Bug #: 1795
File: FuBar 3.6.5
Date: 08-04-06 04:29 PM
By: bigity
Status: Unconfirmed
I run WoW at a widescreen resolution of 1280x1024, and it seems that whenever I right click something on FuBar, the menu that comes up stretches from top to bottom and only says the title of the addon in the center. Anyone know how to fix this?

I have disabled all other addons and still have this problem. I also reinstalled FuBar and deleted the lua files, and the problem still persists.

Will try reinstalling all of the Ace components tonight (Ace, AceGUI, AceTooltip, SpecialEvents, etc).

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By: bigity - 08-07-06 07:55 PM
Remove bug, was an issue with a font after it was replaced with the same font but a different version with different sizes allowed.