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FuBar 2.0 and XRaidStatus
Bug #: 1859
File: FuBar 3.6.5
Date: 08-14-06 11:26 AM
By: aastarius
Status: Unconfirmed
Weird one for you.

Installed the latest version of XRaidStatus (version 1.11.2) and Get the following error message: Interface\AddOns\FuBar\FuBar_Panel.lua:110:Ace00-2.0:Improper self passed to init. You must do MyClass.super.prototype.init(self, ...).

Revert back to earlier version (1.11.1) and all is well again.

I take it the Ace2 addons somehow "share" the same (latest version of) library's and this is some sort of conflict with versions. If thats the case then this is gonna get interesting if updating one addon automatically affects all other (Ace2) addons.

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By: aastarius - 08-14-06 11:28 AM
Thought I should add that pressing OK after the error causes both the error and FuBar to "go away" and that XraidStatus still functions correctly.
By: ILT - 08-14-06 12:20 PM
Confirming the same problem with the same error message - removing Ace2 embedded inside XRS fixes problem.

Seems it's ACE problem - different versions of ACE cannot coexist
By: ILT - 08-14-06 12:31 PM
Added a bug report entry to XRS as well pointing here
By: Gevatter - 08-14-06 05:00 PM
the same here
By: aastarius - 08-14-06 06:33 PM
Hmm, quick update.

XraidStatus started "playing up" this evening in Naxx even though I had gone back to the earlier version. In the end I managed to "fix" it all by actually taking out the Ace2 version of "Fubar - volumeFu" and putting back the FuBar 1.2 flavour. Hopefully this just a minor "glitch" in the grand scheme of things
By: ILT - 08-15-06 11:00 AM
Addendum - freshly released BigWigs break FuBar the same way with the same error.