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Causes tooltip error in Mendeleev
Bug #: 1886
File: FuBar - RestFu
Date: 08-18-06 03:24 AM
By: Mazzlefizz
Status: Unconfirmed
When RestFu is run with Mendeleev, the first time you mouse over something, an error will occur about comparing a number to a string. After adding some debug statements, I some of the local data that Mendeleev uses is somehow being corrupted. I think it has something to do with Metrognome embedded in RestFu because the invalid data that is sneaking into Mendeleev involves the strings "time", "elapsed", "mem" and "count", all of which can be found in Metrognome.

When RestFu is disabled, Mendeleev's data is not corrupted and no errors occur.