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Line 486 Error
Bug #: 2405
File: FuBar - HonorFu
Date: 11-17-06 12:09 PM
By: Teleros
Status: Unconfirmed
Recently downloaded the HonorFu addon and I keep getting this little error when using it - keeps popping up until the target is dead:
Line 486: "bad argument #3 to 'find' (number expected, got string)"

if GameTooltip:IsVisible() and GameTooltipTextLeft1:GetText() ~= nil and string.find(GameTooltipTextLeft1:GetText(), UnitName("mouseover")) then
I've also got SSHonor, BattlegroundFu, FuBar_DPS, FuBar_Factions, ItemBonsusesFu and Ace, Ace2 plus the 1.2 compatability & FuBar Plugin-2.0 addons (all latest ones from this site), just in case there's some sort of conflict going on.