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Undead's head is cut off.
Bug #: 3496
File: Adapt - Almost-Default Animated Portraits
Date: 03-31-07 12:41 AM
By: Sok
Status: Unconfirmed
In short whenever I play an undead and have this addon running the head in the potrait is cut in half. I onyl see from the cheek to the back of the head. The toon in the potrait will stand up straight for while but he goes back to the slouching position and I am unable to see his head. I will make it clear that I am playing an Undead male. I have also noticed this is the same with every over undead male that I look at. Is there a way to fix this by changing the posture of the toon in the potrait? Or even moving the undead toon to the left more? It works wonderfully with every other race but this is staring to get annoying.