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Misses recorded improperly
Bug #: 3544
File: KombatStats
Date: 04-21-07 12:53 PM
By: Gaviin
Status: Cant Reproduce
I'm a 70 rogue, and I've been killing the elite ogres right outside of the Dire Maul instances (in the courtyard). Given their levels (52-54), my miss rate is zero. However, every so often (we're talking 9 out of 2300 swings), KombatStats will record a miss that never actually occurs (verified by referring to the combat log). I've found that these happen right at the end of fights.

I don't know much about the addon's code or the way combat information is parsed, so I can't offer much in terms of suggestions. Possibly there's something where a certain finishing move (such as Eviscerate) lands and reduces the mob's health to zero, but another regular melee attack is able to fire because it's "scheduled" to right at that moment. And maybe since the mob's health is already at zero, that melee attack, though it would normally hit and maybe does show as hitting, is counted by KombatStats as a miss (since it didn't decrease the mob's health at all).

Anyway, great job on the addon.

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By: Gaviin - 04-21-07 01:05 PM
Well, although what I wrote above is true, in the meantime, I've seen some melee misses in my combat log. So I guess the miss rate on these guys isn't at exactly zero.
By: rophy - 04-21-07 08:08 PM
KombatStats itself doesn't care if the mob still have HP or not, dead or not., the "miss" is directly translated from the combat log "You missed X." or "Your %s missed X.".

One possibility (although not quite possible in real) is that there someone with the same name as you, and he missed, i.e. the combat log shows "Rophy missed X." instead of "You missed X.", in that case, KombatStats will confuse "Rophy" with me.