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Counter next to Playername
Bug #: 3616
File: idChat
Date: 05-22-07 02:17 PM
By: FlareCDE
Status: Fixed
I'm getting a counter next to the player name (IE: Annyth:11: message) that counts up with each text message. Some sort of debug mebbe? I did alter some of the channel prefixes (g to [G] for instance), I don't think that'd be causing it though.

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By: FlareCDE - 05-22-07 03:18 PM
Here's the function in case I did do something stupid ><. Don't kill me too hard.

local function AddMessage(frame, text, red, green, blue, id)
	--text = tostring(text) or ''
	--text = text:gsub('%[Guild%].+(|Hplayer.+)', '[G] %1')
	--text = text:gsub('%[Party%].+(|Hplayer.+)', '[P] %1')
	--text = text:gsub('%[Raid%].+(|Hplayer.+)', '[R] %1')
	--text = text:gsub('%[Raid Leader%].+(|Hplayer.+)', '[R] %1')
	--text = text:gsub('%[Raid Warning%].+(|Hplayer.+)', '[!] %1')
	--text = text:gsub('%[Officer%].+(|Hplayer.+)', '[O] %1')
	--text = text:gsub('%[Battleground%].+(|Hplayer.+)', '[b] %1')
	--text = text:gsub('%[Battleground Leader%].+(|Hplayer.+)', '[!] %1')
	--text = text:gsub('%[(%d+)%. .+%].+(|Hplayer.+)', '[%1] %2')
	--text = text:gsub('|Hplayer:(.-)|h%[.-%]|h.-:', '|Hplayer:%1|h%1|h:')
	--text = '|cdddddddd' .. date('%H:%M') .. '|r ' .. text

	return hooks[frame](frame, text, red, green, blue, id)
It's commented out so I can use the rest of the addon.
By: FlareCDE - 05-22-07 07:11 PM
According to someone on the wowace forums, this issue isn't limited to zChat ^^.
By: lanacan - 05-24-07 09:15 PM
I get this too Flare, I've been trying to figure it out and correct it.