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2.1 changes (linking recipes)
Bug #: 3623
File: IDCard
Date: 05-23-07 11:15 AM
By: Veyska
Status: Fixed
I suppose I could have reported that clicking on enchant links reuses the icon of the most recent *item* you clicked on but I never got around to it because it wasn't really ground-breaking. However, in 2.1 clicking on the yellow links of trade recipes causes the following error... It also reuses the previous item's icon, but it's more the pop-up error I'm reporting than the icon.

Error: Usage: GetItemInfo(itemID|"name"|"itemlink")
File: Interface\AddOns\IDCard\IDCard.lua
Line: 7
Count: 1

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By: tardmrr - 05-27-07 06:42 PM
This has been fixed in version 1.2