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Your SharedMediaLib not compatible with BigWigs and XRS?
Bug #: 3641
File: Scrolling Combat Text
Date: 05-25-07 08:40 AM
By: Ultroman
Status: Unconfirmed
I'm getting a lot of errors concerning SharedMediaLib and SCT_Options.
Now, in your addon's /libs folder there was a revision r36110 of the library.
Both XRS and BigWigs use SharedMediaLib-r36776.
I thought I'd kill the errors by replacing your version of SharedMediaLib-1.0.lua with this new one, but nothing changed. What am I supposed to do?
If I disable BigWigs, your addon works fine. What could be causing this? I've checked the file versions and sizes of all three addons. They are the same. Here are the errors:

Error: Cannot find a library instance of SharedMedia-1.0.
AddOn: sct_options
File: localization.lua
Line: 1
Count: 1
Error: attempt to index global 'SCT' (a nil value)
AddOn: sct_options
File: options_setup.lua
Line: 4
Count: 1
Error: attempt to index global 'SCT' (a nil value)
File: Interface\AddOns\sct_options\configs.lua
Line: 5
Count: 1
Error: attempt to index global 'SCT' (a nil value)
File: Interface\AddOns\sct_options\options.lua
Line: 7
Count: 1
Error: attempt to index global 'SCT' (a nil value)
String: SCTOptionsFrame1_RadioFrame1Button:OnLoad
Count: 1
Error: attempt to index global 'SCT' (a nil value)
String: SCTOptionsFrame1_RadioFrame2Button:OnLoad
Count: 1

ALL THE RADIO-BUTTONS, but I'll spare you.

Error: attempt to index global 'SCT' (a nil value)
String: SCTOptionsFrame_Misc9:OnLoad
Count: 1

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By: Grayhoof - 05-25-07 10:05 AM
I'm not sure what the issue could be. I use BigWigs with SCT and have no issues.

The first error you are getting, Cannot find a library instance of SharedMedia-1.0, is only part of the issue. The other errors are showing that it cannot even find SCT. Something is wrong with your setup, but I honestly don't know what it could be. I'd suggest maybe posting on the wowace forums as they may be able to give you more guidance.
By: Grayhoof - 05-25-07 10:09 AM
Sorry, what I mean is the fact that SCT works when its without Bigs Wigs leads me to think its not an issue with SCT. I'm not saying its an issue with Big Wigs either, but some combination of the libraries between all of them.
By: Ultroman - 05-25-07 05:53 PM
the funny thing is, SCT works just fine. Also SCT_Damage.
Only SCT_Options doeasn't work.

I'll try and ask at the forums then. Thanks

PS. What version of SharedMediaLib do you have in your current SCT? If you would check, it'd be most helpful.

PPS. Thanks for an incredibly good addon. I lived 2 days without it with Gruul was a nightmare.