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Clearcast sound deafening
Bug #: 4360
File: Scrolling Combat Text
Date: 03-29-08 07:16 AM
By: writhe
Status: Not a Bug
I didn't think mods could alter the volume level of individual sounds in the game, but this problem went away as soon as I disabled SCT, and I also noticed a line in the changelog saying "Gave clearcasting back its sound (till blizz fixes)"

Whenver I get a clearcast (omen of clarity proc) on my druid (not checked with other clearcast classes yet), the clearcast sound is 10 times louder than any other in-game sound.

Is this just me being stupid or is this attributable to SCT in some way?


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By: Grayhoof - 03-29-08 07:31 AM
Blizzard bugged clearcast, it no longer has any sound. I just added the sound back to clear cast in the custom event. You can remove it in sct_event_config.lua. It sounds normal on my machine, so not sure what's going on with yours.
By: Steinaldo - 03-29-08 06:03 PM
SCT does the same thing on my machine. The sound is really really loud.
By: Grayhoof - 03-29-08 06:06 PM
As I already said, its a custom event. If you don't like it, remove it. Clearcasting for Mages and Shamans are currently bugged, so it is needed. I don't know about druids.