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Druid omen of clarity not triggering sounds
Bug #: 4365
File: MikScrollingBattleText
Date: 03-29-08 11:52 AM
By: ThePooBurner
Status: Not a Bug
I set the trigger "clear casting" to have the sound for low mana associated with it, but the sound is not playing when Omen of Clarity procs and gives me clearcasting. Not sure if this i something that is a full bug, or just part of the disabled trigger conditions. If not, though, i thought i woudl bring it up just in case :)

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By: Mikord - 03-29-08 05:36 PM
The default Clearcasting trigger is for mage and shaman. So the trigger wouldn't be firing for druids (you would see a big yellow Clearcasting! sticky event if it were).

I thought the druid buff name was actually "Omen of Clarity." I'll update the default trigger to encompass druids.
By: ThePooBurner - 03-29-08 07:29 PM
The buff itself is called omen of clarity. It is a 30 minute buff like mark of the wild, but when it procs it gives clear casting. Now, i am getting the [clearcasting] and -[clearcasting] messages in my window (i don't have it set as a sticky), it just isn't playing the sound along with the message.
By: Mikord - 03-29-08 09:24 PM
Thanks for the description. Those are the normal buff gain and fade events you are seeing. The default trigger is only set for mage and shaman right now. You aren't getting the sound because it isn't firing. As I said above, I will add druids to the list for it so it will fire for them as well.