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Bloodthirsty Bug?
Bug #: 5059
File: EavesDrop
Date: 10-29-08 05:12 PM
By: Syleynnia
Status: Unconfirmed
Quoted from Skorpion9x on the main Eavesdrop download comments page, I too am experiencing the same error message from Eavesdrop when playing my hunter:

I'm having an issue with Eavesdrop on my hunter - an error which pops up a lot when my pet attacks. I've determined that the error is caused when my pet's Bloodthirsty talent procs. The error is: "\Interface\AddOns\EavesDrop\EavesDrop.lua: 590: bad argument #3 to 'string_format' (string expected, got nil)"

Bloodthirsty has at least three lines in the combat log when it procs:

"Petname gains Bloodthirsty."
"Petname gains X Happiness from Petname's Bloodthirsty." - this is the one that can appear multiple times, and it's also the one that causes the error.
"Petname's Bloodthirsty fades from Petname."