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'SCTGlobalParser_ParseMessage' (a nil value)
Bug #: 576
File: Scrolling Combat Text
Date: 04-01-06 01:05 PM
By: Keyo
Status: Not a Bug
i'm getting this message everytime i cast a buff (hunter aspects, etc)

Interface\AddOns\sct\sct.lua:826: attempt to call global 'SCTGlobalParser_ParseMessage' (a nil value)

any idea what might be the problem? thks


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By: Grayhoof - 04-01-06 04:53 PM
You have either the 4.1 beta instead on 1.10, or 4.1 on 1.9.
By: Keyo - 04-01-06 07:56 PM
Nope, i downloaded the 4.1 version from this URL:

the Readme.txt says it is 4.1 for 1.10.

my game version is 1.10.

anything else i can do or check?

thanks for the help
By: Grayhoof - 04-02-06 01:31 AM
On that link, are you clicking the big download button, or the link in the list? Cause the download button is the good one. You'd only get that error if you installed the beta in 1.10. So I'd suggest deleting your SCT folder, make sure you install 4.1, and see where you are. Hopefully fixed =)
By: Keyo - 04-02-06 11:19 AM
Yeah, i clicked on the big Download button. The zip file name is I tried deleting the sct folder and unzipped 4.1, didn't work. I renamed my interface folder and created an emptry one, unzip 4.1, no work.

By: Grayhoof - 04-02-06 01:07 PM
Hmm try this, in sct_event_config.lua neara the bottom half you'll see this line:

SCT_Event_Debug = false;

Change that to:

SCT_Event_Debug = true;

This will show you what events are firing for every chat message. Make not of the ones that are casuing the error for you and post them back here if you can.

If you just want to get SCT working again, I *think* SCT 4.01 will work for the part in 1.10, but you'll be missing some of the new featues.

I'm really baffled as to what could be going on. Are you on the english version of WoW?
By: Avitas - 04-03-06 06:23 PM
I am a Shaman and I get this error every time I drop a totem.. I changed the LUA as you suggested and now it says this in my chat box " You cast Earthbind Totem [Chat_MSG_Spell_Self_Buff]"

running 1.10 with sct4.1

btw ty for making this... makes chain heals SOOOO much more fun =)
By: Grayhoof - 04-04-06 08:41 AM
Arg, this thing is driving me crazy =) Of course it works fine for my shaman, I wouldn't release it if it didn't. It seems like this is affecting very few people, so only thing I can think of is its another mod interfering some how. One that's either modifying the event or arg1 global vars or manipulating the globalstrings.lua strings in some way.

Could you to list the mods you have installed and see if we can find some common ones to take a look at?
By: Avitas - 04-04-06 03:48 PM
I will go on your hunch and do the legwork here.. I will eliminate all addons and load just SCT4.1 then I will add them one by one to find the culprit. A name will give you something to go on.. either for you to code around the issue, or at least can be identified as a conflict mod. Ill get back to you =)
By: Avitas - 04-04-06 08:23 PM
strange.. One by one I loaded my mods again (after updating when needed instead of just using wowtoc)....and after all were worked fine....perhaps the problem was caused by not updating mods.. which caused a conflict with sct... solution.. update and perform a fresh install? ... I will certainly post if I encounter the prob in the future.. =)

Avitas TL
By: zolah - 04-21-06 09:12 AM
I was having the same problem since earlier today when I downloaded the updated version 4.1

Interface\Addons\sct\sct.lua:868: attempt to call global `SCTGlobalParser_ParseMessage' (a nil value)

(I hadn't restarted the game properly after downloading and installing the update, sct works fine now)