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Click Actions Casting on Wrong Target
Bug #: 5767
File: Gladius
Date: 04-28-09 03:14 AM
By: DiZzyBonne
Status: Unconfirmed
I'm not sure how to recreate this bug, but it happens pretty often. I have my Mouse 5 click set to Cyclone. I'm not too sure, but I think ever since I enabled the "Trinket used" and "Trinket ready" announcements, this has been happening. I just disabled the announcements, but I haven't been able to test it since, as my partner just logged off. Anyway, say I try to Cyclone a Priest by clicking on them using my Mouse 5 button on Gladius, it'll Cyclone the other person! It's random when it happens, but it Cyclones the person I DIDN'T click on, and sometimes I even take my sweet time in clicking on the correct target, making sure it's not just a misclick. It's so bad it actually caused me to lose a match vs a Priest/Rogue. The Rogue was down to 1,000 health, and Priest was silenced and my Mage had just died from a bleed. I stunned the Rogue, I was Cycloning the Priest while he was silenced (chain-CC) as his trinket was down, and the Rogue had a nasty 5 combo point Rip on him, along with a Rake. Well, the Rogue gets Cycloned INSTEAD of the Priest, and the Rogue trinkets and he gets healed to full.