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Nil error when removing weapon(s)
Bug #: 5918
File: Chamois
Date: 06-21-09 03:49 AM
By: Frayol
Status: Fixed
Was setting up a naked set (i.e. for falling etc) in the equipment manager and got the following error:

SwatterData = {
	["enabled"] = true,
	["autoshow"] = true,
	["errors"] = {
			["message"] = "Interface\\AddOns\\Chamois\\Chamois.lua:76: attempt to index a nil value",
			["count"] = 504,
			["addons"] = <snip>
			["timestamp"] = "2009-06-21 10:39:18",
			["context"] = "Global",
			["stack"] = "[C]: ?\nInterface\\AddOns\\Chamois\\Chamois.lua:76: in function <Interface\\AddOns\\Chamois\\Chamois.lua:74>\nInterface\\AddOns\\Chamois\\Chamois.lua:130: in function <Interface\\AddOns\\Chamois\\Chamois.lua:125>\n",
		}, -- [1]
Tested by just removing my staff and the same error occured. Thought that I'd better report it.

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By: mikma - 06-21-09 10:55 AM
That was one awesome bugreport. Thanks, fixed version (2.6) uploaded.