View Bug Report
New bugs/errors with v2.2
Bug #: 5932
File: QueTip
Date: 06-24-09 02:38 PM
By: Zidomo
Status: Fixed
V2.2 is still bugged.

Log on an 80 Mage for the first time during a session. Was sitting outside the Nexus instance. Error at logon, different from what I posted before that occurred with v2.0:

["message"] = "QueTip-2.2\\QueTip.lua:111: attempt to index global 'factions' (a nil value)\nQueTip-2.2\\QueTip.lua:134: in main chunk\n<in C code>: in function `LoadAddOn'\nAddonLoader-2.0\\AddonLoader.lua:109: in function `LoadAddOn'\nAddonLoader-2.0\\Conditions.lua:124: in function <Interface\\AddOns\\AddonLoader\\Conditions.lua:117>\n\n ---",
["type"] = "error",
["time"] = "2009/06/24 00:08:20",
["session"] = 521,
["counter"] = 1

Then I was summoned (via summoning stone) to the Coilfang Reservoir area to do the Midsummer Festival event boss. Error similar to the above after accepting the summons and arriving at destination. It repeated 10 times:

["message"] = "QueTip-2.2\\QueTip.lua:111: attempt to index global 'factions' (a nil value)\n\n ---",
["type"] = "error",
["time"] = "2009/06/24 00:10:16",
["session"] = 521,
["counter"] = 10

Back to v1.2 here for now.

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By: Slakah - 06-24-09 02:47 PM
Fixed in 2.3 thanks .