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Errors when trying to refresh the AvgItemLevel frame
Bug #: 5984
File: AvgItemLevel
Date: 07-29-09 12:55 PM
By: Zidomo
Status: Unconfirmed
AvgItemLevel v1.0-beta6 (upgrade from prior version), USEnglish client/server, WoW 3.1.3 live. Click the LDB display (using StatBlockCore) to open the frame in a 5-man party. Have either yourself targeted or no one targeted. Click the Refresh button and the following two errors are thrown up at the same time; no one appears in the frame:

["message"] = "AvgItemLevel-v1.0-beta6\\AvgItemLevelGroup.lua:110: attempt to compare string with number\n<in C code>: in function `Show'\nInterface\\FrameXML\\UIParent.lua:1542: in function `SetUIPanel':\nInterface\\FrameXML\\UIParent.lua:1387: in function `ShowUIPanel':\nInterface\\FrameXML\\UIParent.lua:1280: in function <Interface\\FrameXML\\UIParent.lua:1276>:\n<in C code>: in function `SetAttribute'\nInterface\\FrameXML\\UIParent.lua:1899: in function `ShowUIPanel':\nAvgItemLevel-v1.0-beta6\\AvgItemLevelGroup.lua:153: in function `OnClick'\nStatBlockCore-2.6\\StatBlockCore.lua:598: in function <Interface\\AddOns\\StatBlockCore\\StatBlockCore.lua:596>\n\n ---",
["type"] = "error",
["session"] = 1009,
["counter"] = 2,

["message"] = "AvgItemLevel-v1.0-beta6\\AvgItemLevelGroup.lua:110: attempt to compare string with number\n\n ---",
["type"] = "error",
["session"] = 1009,
["counter"] = 2,

Errors repeat every time you click the Refresh button.