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    View Bug Report
    Bugged at logon in WoW 3.3
    Bug #: 6281
    File: Cirk's Lootcounter
    Date: 12-10-09 06:11 AM
    By: Zidomo
    Status: Unconfirmed
    Originally posted by Twidget
    Getting the following error after the patch today:...
    Same thing here on logon with v3.2.0 in WoW 3.3 live (USEnglish client/server), using BugSack/BugGrabber to record the error:

    ["message"] = {
                    "LootCounter-3.2.0\\Lootcounter.lua:1644: attempt to call method 'SetMultilineIndent' (a nil value)\nLootCounter-3.2.0\\Lootcounter.lua:1417: in function `OnLoad'\n<string>:\"*:OnLoad\":1: in function <[string \"*:OnLoad\"]:1>\n\nLocals:|r\nself = LootcounterFrame {\n 0 = <userdata>\n}\n_thisFrame = LootcounterFrame {\n 0 = <userdata>\n}\n_patternList = <table> {\n 1 = \"^You create: (.+)x(%d+)%.\"\n 2 = \"^You create: (.+)%.\"\n 3 = \"^You receive item: (.+)x(%d+)%.\"\n 4 = \"^You receive item: (.+)%.\"\n 5 = \"^You receive loot: (.+)x(%d+)%.\"\n 6 = \"^You receive loot: (.+)%.\"\n 7 = \"^Received (%d+) of item: (.+)%.\"\n 8 = \"^Received item: (.+)%.\"\n 9 = \"^(.+) received%.\"\n}\n_globalLootStrings = <table> {\n 1 = \"LOOT_ITEM_CREATED_SELF_MULTIPLE\"\n 2 = \"LOOT_ITEM_CREATED_SELF\"\n 3 = \"LOOT_ITEM_PUSHED_SELF_MULTIPLE\"\n 4 = \"LOOT_ITEM_PUSHED_SELF\"\n 5 = \"LOOT_ITEM_SELF_MULTIPLE\"\n 6 = \"LOOT_ITEM_SELF\"\n 7 = \"ERR_QUEST_REWARD_ITEM_MULT_IS\"\n 8 = \"ERR_QUEST_REWARD_ITEM_S\"\n 9 = \"ERR_RECEIVE_ITEM_S\"\n}\n_inventorySlots =", -- [1]
                    " <table> {\n WristSlot = 9\n BackSlot = 15\n Trinket0Slot = 13\n TabardSlot = 19\n FeetSlot = 8\n NeckSlot = 2\n Finger1Slot = 12\n ChestSlot = 5\n Trinket1Slot = 14\n HeadSlot = 1\n MainHandSlot = 16\n RangedSlot = 18\n ShirtSlot = 4\n SecondaryHandSlot = 17\n Finger0Slot = 11\n LegsSlot = 7\n WaistSlot = 6\n HandsSlot = 10\n ShoulderSlot = 3\n}\n_itemRarityColorHex = <table> {\n 1 = \"|cffffffff\"\n 2 = \"|cff1eff00\"\n 3 = \"|cff0070dd\"\n 4 = \"|cffa335ee\"\n 5 = \"|cffff8000\"\n 6 = \"|cffe6cc80\"\n 7 = \"|cffe6cc80\"\n 0 = \"|cff9d9d9d\"\n}\n_itemRarityByColor = <table> {\n ffffffff = 1\n ff1eff00 = 2\n ffe6cc80 = 7\n ff0070dd = 3\n ffff8000 = 5\n ffa335ee = 4\n ff9d9d9d = 0\n}\n_itemRarityName = <table> {\n 1 = \"common\"\n 2 = \"uncommon\"\n 3 = \"rare\"\n 4 = \"epic\"\n 5 = \"legendary\"\n 6 = \"artifact\"\n 7 = \"heirloom\"\n 0 = \"poor\"\n}\n\n  ---", -- [2]
                ["type"] = "error",
                ["session"] = 16,
                ["counter"] = 1,
            }, -- [6]
    This mod needs updating to account for WoW 3.3 changes.