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    View Bug Report
    LUA error when logging in
    Bug #: 6359
    File: Badapples
    Date: 01-02-10 06:44 AM
    By: Dusk
    Status: Unconfirmed
    Since patch 3.3 I get a LUA error when I log in, the mod seems to work though, I think I've tested all features.

    Message: Interface\AddOns\Badapples\Badapples.lua:1878: attempt to call method 'SetMultilineIndent' (a nil value)
    Time: 01/02/10 13:42:51
    Count: 1
    Stack: Interface\AddOns\Badapples\Badapples.lua:1878: in function `RegisterOptions'
    Interface\AddOns\Badapples\Badapples.lua:1639: in function `OnLoad'
    [string "*:OnLoad"]:1: in function <[string "*:OnLoad"]:1>

    Locals: name = "Cirk's Badapples"
    titleText = "Cirk's Badapples v3.2.0"
    descriptionText = "Allows you to add player names (and an optional reason) to a list of "badapples", or players for whom you want to be reminded of to avoid grouping with them."
    helpText = <table> {
    1 = "/bad help shows this help message"
    2 = "/bad list shows the current list in your chat window (may be long)"
    3 = "/bad show shows the Badapples social window"
    4 = "/bad add <playername> [reason] adds a player name and optionally a reason"
    5 = "/bad remove <playername> removes a player name"
    6 = "/bad check <playername> checks the status of a player name"
    7 = "/bad removeall removes all players"
    8 = "/bad color allows you to set the Badapples highlight color"
    9 = "/bad toggletab toggles the position of the Badapples social tab button"
    10 = "/bad notab disables the Badapples social tab button"
    11 = ""
    12 = "You can also use /badapples instead of /bad for the above slash commands"
    panel = <unnamed> {
    0 = <userdata>
    name = "Cirk's Badapples"
    title = <unnamed> {
    0 = <userdata>
    last = <unnamed> {
    0 = <userdata>
    spacing = 10
    helpTextList = <table> {
    1 = "/bad help shows this help message"
    2 = "/bad list shows the current list in your chat window (may be long)"
    3 = "/bad show shows the Badapples social window"
    4 = "/bad add <playername> [reason] adds a player name and optionally a reason"
    5 = "/bad remove <playername> removes a player name"
    6 = "/bad check <playername> checks the status of a player name"
    7 = "/bad removeall removes all players"
    8 = "/bad color allows you to set the Badapples highlight color"
    9 = "/bad toggletab toggles the position of the Badapples social tab button"
    10 = "/bad notab disables the Badapples social tab button"
    11 = ""
    12 = "You can also use /badapples instead of /bad for the above slash commands"
    (for generator) = <function> defined =[C]:-1
    (for state) = <table> {
    1 = "/bad help shows this help message"
    2 = "/bad list shows the current list in your chat window (may be long)"
    3 = "/bad show shows the Badapples social window"
    4 = "/bad add <playername> [reason] adds a player name and optionally a reason"
    5 = "/bad remove <playername> removes a player name"
    6 = "/bad check <playername> checks the status of a player name"
    7 = "/bad removeall removes all players"
    8 = "/bad color allows you to set the Badapples highlight color"
    9 = "/bad toggletab toggles the position of the Badapples social tab button"
    10 = "/bad notab disables the Badapples social tab button"
    11 = ""
    12 = "You can also use /badapples instead of /bad for the above slash commands"
    (for control) = 1
    _ = 1
    text = "/bad help shows this help message"
    line = <unnamed> {
    0 = <userdata>
    uncolored = "/bad help shows this help message"
    (*temporary) = nil
    (*temporary) = <unnamed> {
    0 = <userdata>
    (*temporary) = 16
    (*temporary) = "attempt to call method 'SetMultilineIndent' (a nil value)"