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Naming convention check bug?
Bug #: 740
File: FuBar 3.6.5
Date: 04-18-06 11:18 PM
By: SlackerJer
Status: Fixed
The check for naming convention standards appears to not match what the README.txt says. I am following this standard from the README:
"Alternate scheme (if you don't want to tack on Fu)
For websites: FuBar - MyPlugin
.toc title: FuBar - |cffffffffMyPlugin|r
Folder, .toc file: FuBar_MyPlugin, FuBar_MyPlugin.toc
Other files: MyPlugin.lua, MyPluginLocals.lua
Object name: MyPlugin = FuBarPlugin:new({ ... }) = "FuBar - MyPlugin" << appears to be a typo since above we do not require the object to be MyPluginFu
My addon has:
Websites: FuBar - WhatsUp
.toc title: FuBar - |cffffffffWhatsUp|r
Folder, .toc file: FuBar_WhatsUp, FuBar_WhatsUp.toc
Other files: WhatsUp.lua, WhatsUpLocals.lua, WhatsUp.xml
Object name: WhatsUp = FuBarPlugin:new({ ... }) = "FuBar - WhatsUp"

I looked at the FuBar code and is it possible it's requiring Fu in the check?

For reference, my addon is at