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wow floating text and mik's
Bug #: 7412
File: MikScrollingBattleText
Date: 05-03-11 06:40 PM
By: Mcspooter
Status: Fixed
So im new to errors with addons and im having difficulties with this one. I have mik's enabled and i can't keep wow floating test disabled..... every time i do it manuallyand then i do some damage with mik's i get a error, and mik isn't showing any damage, or healz....
if anyone can help plz do! i hate having shadow healz in my face........

Date: 2011-05-03 17:31:53
ID: 4
Error occured in: Global
Count: 1
Message: ...terface\AddOns\MikScrollingBattleText\MSBTParser.lua line 161:
bad argument #1 to 'bit_band' (number expected, got nil)
[C]: ?
[C]: ?

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By: verdande - 05-04-11 08:42 AM
from what I've found, this has to do with a new param that Blizz released in 4.1 with the combat log called hideCaster. Not sure what it does, but I was able to modify the MSBTParser.lua file with 3 lines added to get things working. Might be best to make a back up copy in case things get worse, but these lines got me back up and running.


1. around line 320 added where the `--Populate fields` comment is
parserEvent.sourcehideCaster = hideCaster
2. around line 345 where the `--Parses the parameter...` comment is
local function ParseLogMessage(timestamp, event, hideCaster, sourceGUID, sourceName, sourceFlags, recipientGUID, recipientName, recipientFlags, ...)
this just adds the hideCaster param to the string
3. around line 386 added
parserEvent.sourcehideCaster = hideCaster
By: Mcspooter - 05-04-11 04:17 PM
I belive ur talking about the combat log in interface/addons/Blizzard_combatlog?
Its a Pub file how do i edit and change what u sugessted
By: Mikord - 05-04-11 04:54 PM
WoW 4.1 broke the current version. I'm working on an update now.
By: Mcspooter - 05-04-11 06:55 PM
ok ty!!! /love ur addon MIkord!!!!!