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Fubar is moving chat frames unnecessarily
Bug #: 780
File: FuBar 3.6.5
Date: 04-22-06 12:09 AM
By: Mazzlefizz
Status: Fixed
I documented this bug more in the Fubar thread in the Ace, forum, but I thought I'd put it here too.

If you use DFM to position and lock a chatframe and you are running Fubar (no modules necessary), your chatframe tab will occasionally disappear, making it impossible to switch to that frame. This bug seems to also reliably happen when you zone.

The bug does not occur when Fubar is disabled, nor does it occur when Fubar is enabled and DFM is disabled. I've recreated the bug with only those two add-ons activated and related dependencies, so I think they're the only ones involved.

I think the source of this problem is that Fubar is moving the chat frames from the position set by DFM, which in my layout is at the bottom left of the screen, when zoning is also being done by Fubar. It moves the chat frames whether the "Adjust Frames" option is on or off. If I zone without Fubar, the frames will not move (this is with DFM locking off too).

When the chat frame is also locked via a utility like Discord Frame Modifier, it will cause the chat frame's tab to disappear, making it impossible to switch to it.

I've verified this is indeed being cause by the adjustment code. Removing DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME from the AdjustFrames_frames clears up the problem.

For the record, my default chat frame is in the bottom left of the screen. I do not have a fubar bar on the bottom of my screen. Moreover, it moved the chat frame about a 100 pixels or so upwards, which seems like an incorrect amount even if I did have a bar on the bottom.