View Bug Report
Aurora not working with 5.1
Bug #: 7873
File: Aurora
Date: 11-27-12 01:41 PM
By: Fimbulvinter
Status: Fixed
The character window is no longer skinned properly with 5.1 - the bug report is below

Date: 2012-11-27 14:35:55
ID: 1
Error occured in: Global
Count: 1
Message: ..\AddOns\Aurora\aurora.lua line 1034:
attempt to index global 'PetPaperDollXPBar1' (a nil value)
self = <unnamed> {
0 = <userdata>
event = "ADDON_LOADED"
addon = "Aurora"
header = <table> {
1 = "GameMenuFrame"
2 = "InterfaceOptionsFrame"
3 = "AudioOptionsFrame"
4 = "VideoOptionsFrame"
5 = "ChatConfigFrame"
6 = "ColorPickerFrame"
bds = <table> {
1 = "AutoCompleteBox"
2 = "BNToastFrame"
3 = "TicketStatusFrameButton"
4 = "GearManagerDialogPopup"
5 = "TokenFramePopup"
6 = "ReputationDetailFrame"
7 = "RaidInfoFrame"
8 = "ScrollOfResurrectionSelectionFrame"
9 = "ScrollOfResurrectionFrame"
10 = "VoiceChatTalkers"
11 = "ReportPlayerNameDialog"
12 = "ReportCheatingDialog"
13 = "QueueStatusFrame"
lightbds = <table> {
1 = "SecondaryProfession1"
2 = "SecondaryProfession2"
3 = "SecondaryProfession3"
4 = "SecondaryProfession4"
5 = "ChatConfigChatSettingsClassColorLegend"
6 = "ChatConfigChannelSettingsClassColorLegend"
7 = "FriendsFriendsList"
8 = "HelpFrameTicketScrollFrame"
9 = "HelpFrameGM_ResponseScrollFrame1"
10 = "HelpFrameGM_ResponseScrollFrame2"
11 = "FriendsFriendsNoteFrame"
12 = "AddFriendNoteFrame"
13 = "ScrollOfResurrectionSelectionFrameList"
14 = "HelpFrameReportBugScrollFrame"
15 = "HelpFrameSubmitSuggestionScrollFrame"
16 = "ReportPlayerNameDialogCommentFrame"
17 = "ReportCheatingDialogCommentFrame"
scrollbars = <table> {
1 = "FriendsFrameFriendsScrollFrameScrollBar"
2 = "CharacterStatsPaneScrollBar"
3 = "PVPHonorFrameTypeScrollFrameScrollBar"
4 = "PVPHonorFrameInfoScrollFrameScrollBar"
5 = "LFDQueueFrameSpecificListScrollFrameScrollBar"
6 = "HelpFrameKnowledgebaseScrollFrameScrollBar"
7 = "HelpFrameReportBugScrollFrameScrollBar"
8 = "HelpFrameSubmitSuggestionScrollFrameScrollBar"
9 = "HelpFrameTicketScrollFrameScrollBar"
10 = "PaperDollTitlesPaneScrollBar"
11 = "PaperDollEquipmentManagerPaneScrollBar"
12 = "SendMailScrollFrameScrollBar"
13 = "OpenMailScrollFrameScrollBar"
14 = "RaidInfoScrollFrameScrollBar"
15 = "ReputationListScrollFrameScrollBar"
16 = "FriendsFriendsScrollFrameScrollBar"
17 = "HelpFrameGM_ResponseScrollFrame1ScrollBar"
18 = "HelpFrameGM_ResponseScrollFrame2ScrollBar"
19 = "HelpFrameKnowledgebaseScrollFrame2ScrollBar"
20 = "WhoListScrollFrameScrollBar"
21 = "GearManagerDialogPopupScrollFrameScrollBar"
22 = "LFDQueueFrameRandomScrollFrameScrollBar"
23 = "WarGamesFrameScrollFrameScrollBar"
24 = "WarGamesFrameInfoScrollFrameScrollBar"
25 = "ScrollOfResurrectionSelectionFrameListScrollFrameScrollBar"
26 = "ChannelRosterScrollFrameScrollBar"
dropdowns = <table> {
1 = "LFDQueueFrameTypeDropDown"
2 = "LFRBrowseFrameRaidDropDown"
3 = "WhoFrameDropDown"
4 = "FriendsFriendsFrameDropDown"
5 = "RaidFinderQueueFrameSelectionDropDown"
6 = "WorldMapShowDropDown"
7 = "Advanced_GraphicsAPIDropDown"
inputs = <table> {
1 = "AddFriendNameEditBox"
2 = "PVPTeamManagementFrameWeeklyDisplay"
3 = "SendMailNameEditBox"
4 = "SendMailSubjectEditBox"
5 = "SendMailMoneyGold"
6 = "SendMailMoneySilver"
7 = "SendMailMoneyCopper"
8 = "StaticPopup1MoneyInputFrameGold"
9 = "StaticPopup1MoneyInputFrameSilver"
10 = "StaticPopup1MoneyInputFrameCopper"
11 = "StaticPopup2MoneyInputFrameGold"
12 = "StaticPopup2MoneyInputFrameSilver"
13 = "StaticPopup2MoneyInputFrameCopper"
14 = "GearManagerDialogPopupEditBox"
15 = "HelpFrameKnowledgebaseSearchBox"
16 = "ChannelFrameDaughterFrameChannelName"
17 = "ChannelFrameDaughterFrameChannelPassword"
18 = "BagItemSearchBox"
19 = "BankItemSearchBox"
20 = "ScrollOfResurrectionSelectionFrameTargetEditBox"
21 = "ScrollOfResurrectionFrameNoteFrame"
checkboxes = <table> {
1 = "TokenFramePopupInactiveCheckBox"
2 = "TokenFramePopupBackpackCheckBox"
3 = "ReputationDetailAtWarCheckBox"
4 = "ReputationDetailInactiveCheckBox"
5 = "ReputationDetailMainScreenCheckBox"
radiobuttons = <table> {
1 = "ReportPlayerNameDialogPlayerNameCheckButton"
2 = "ReportPlayerNameDialogGuildNameCheckButton"
3 = "ReportPlayerNameDialogArenaTeamNameCheckButton"
4 = "SendMailSendMoneyButton"
5 = "SendMailCODButton"
FrameBDs = <table> {
1 = "StaticPopup1"
2 = "StaticPopup2"
3 = "GameMenuFrame"
4 = "InterfaceOptions
Swatter, v4.0.6 (<%codename%>)
ACP, v3.4
ActionBarSaver, v
AdiBags, vv1.5.6
ArcHUD3, v2.0
Aurora, v4.2a
BlizRuntimeLib_enUS v5.1.0.50100 <us>