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Doesn't list all chars from same realm
Bug #: 8074
File: FuBar - MoneyFu
Date: 02-04-14 10:39 AM
By: ianquiksilver
Status: Unconfirmed
Hello ! First off, great and handy addon Fubar Money is =) Thanks a lot for that ^^
So the context of this bug is that I simply installed the addon manually and it works fine. I only play on one server where I have 5+ alts, yet for some reason, when I hover the icon I get all the other characters from the realm on the list save for one, who Fubar seems to leave "alone". When I log on that char and check the MoneyFu window, instead of having all the other chars listed, he's the only one, and I haven't done anything to isolate him like this. No changes in profiles, no changes in any settings, everything run on default.
The only thing I have tried was to set the profile from "default" to the "Server name - faction" setting, in both the cases where I have most of the list and the one who's alone, hoping they'd merge, but nothing's changed.
Please help =)
Thanks a lot for your time and concern!

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By: minislun - 08-01-14 01:28 AM
I have a similar problem with my monk. I play horde on one server and the monk shows up as alliance (does not show my other chars when logged in and does not appear in their lists). I checked the variable lua-file and figured out that it's classed as an alliance. Not sure how to fix this on my own. Is your character a monk too?
I have not tried to create a monk on my alliance server to see if it shows up properly there but I did remove the variables files for the monk and I get the same result again.