View Bug Report
Missing Function
Bug #: 8111
File: Neuron
Date: 07-14-14 04:05 PM
By: Pantses
Status: Unconfirmed
I was out doing quests in the Kun-Lai Summit, the one in particular involves taking a mask off of a NPC, forcing the Sha out of him, killing it which completes the quest. During this, you have a special button that should pop up on the screen to use the take to take the mask. However I cannot figure out what is wrong here. I've sat and looked over all the settings and cannot for the life of me figure out what I should set this too to make this work. So I've had to log out and turn off Ion every time I do this quest. Then the button pops up and I can do the quest fine. I'm not certain if this is a bug or I'm not setting something right here.