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the color of the cast bar wasn't effected by your settings
Bug #: 8234
File: Tidy Plates: Threat Plates
Date: 11-16-14 01:51 AM
Status: Unconfirmed

eh,since the image link is from chinese website,i doubt that if you guys can see it is the situation.i change the cast bar color to green when it can be interrupted and otherwise orange.but sadly it seems remain the default color setting when i test,even i reset all settings and re-install both Tidy Plates and the Threat plate mod it still not fixed.i used this mod before i afk a year ago so i remember how i benefit from this mod,and i didn't see this situation at that i doubt if this is because of my game file or my settings,or it's just a bug simply.hope you guys help me to check out,thx~

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By: BRUNOEARTH - 11-16-14 01:54 AM
PS my version is 7.011-alpha
By: suicidalkatt - 11-16-14 08:35 PM
I'll look into it, I've not had much time to work on my addons.