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View Feature Request
Re-Add Edge Transparency
Feature #: 2289
File: Cartographer
Date: 05-26-07 04:38 PM
By: Micah
Status: Under Review
I used Cartographer before 2.1 and I could lower the transparency of the "artwork" around the edge of the maps. This was especially useful for the Battlegrounds (where I spend most of my time) because I could just get a map of the important stuff and drastically reduce the amount of screen real estate used by the AddOn.

Come 2.1, I updated Cartographer and much to my dismay, the entire feature was removed! Please add it back, it was one of the primary reasons I used Cartographer in the first place, because I could leave my map up in the corner and still play.

Please add back the functionality to adjust transparency of the map border artwork!