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AddonLoader support
Feature #: 3809
File: Gladius
Date: 09-16-09 02:04 AM
By: Elisios
Status: Under Review
(First post didn't seem to be added to the list. If this is a double post, please excuse me.)


Could you please consider adding AddonLoader support to Gladius ?

It would require that:
1) you added the following lines to Gladius.toc :
## LoadManagers: AddonLoader
## X-LoadOn-Slash: /gladius
## X-LoadOn-InterfaceOptions: Gladius
## X-LoadOn-Arena: yes
This makes Gladius load-on-demand when AddonLoader is installed and have AddonLoader creates a fake /gladius slash command and a fake Gladius option panel. Both transparently loads Gladius. The last line tells AddonLoader to load Gladius when entering an arena.

2) checked that Gladius loads properly when loaded after PLAYER_LOGIN. From what I read from thecode, Gladius uses Ace3 and do not depends on PLAYER_LOGIN. You might just want to add the following call to Gladius:OnEnable() :

	-- Check if we are in an arena in case of late loading
	if IsLoggedIn() then