View Feature Request
Customizable spell timmer flash option or something more noticable. and.....
Feature #: 4192
File: ForteXorcist
Date: 08-16-10 01:04 PM
By: oalex
Status: Under Review
Hi. This is one of the best addons ever!

I have a couple of request:

1. Could you make the "flashing" option configurable. You know when a spell or buff is about to run out.
I want "life tap" for example to flash like hell when its at 5 sec. I know I can set the time, but I want to set the flash frequency and maybe to flash to different colors.
The current version you have is very subtle and I hardly notice it. Maybe its flashing to fast and also doesn't go 100% transparency to 0%.
So maybe we could use custom flash on some spell that we don't want to miss out on. Maybe a strong red to white flash would be reasonable. OR something like that

2. I don't know if its the clone feature (well definitely not what cloning original meant) or not, but it would be really great to have some options for using account wide setting for some stuff.
Example is the spell timer custom coloring. With multiple alts, I find it really hard to set up the same colors for the spell timer on all my toons. It would be great if we had an option on each module, that will permit to lock that module across all characters/alts. So those who really want a different color for their friendly buffs on their Mage than on their Lock can still have it. But for those of us that like getting used to colors and want power ups to use the same color on all toons can just lock that module, then set the colors once and have those on all alts. This way (if you have module lock) then one can still customize cooldown timers per character.

Once again great work all together!
