View Feature Request
Spell Timer: New Unit Filtering Options
Feature #: 4375
File: ForteXorcist
Date: 02-04-11 09:22 AM
By: crow_mw
Status: Under Review
I am using FX on a healing priest and I am currently trying to use it to track short duration buffs (inspiration, grace, etc...) on tank targets. Unfortunately for the time being my unit options allow me to either display buffs only on target/focus or on everyone. This works fine in 5 mans, but in a raid environment when I cast a couple of Prayer of Healings this becomes totally unreadable.

What I was looking for was to display 'my spells' on 'other units' but with an option to filter some data out.

A very narrow but sufficient solution would be to add 'tanks' to 'units' menu, which would work like 'other units' but only on units that have their role selected as 'tank'. (Could be used on 'healers' or 'dps' only too, but I don't know if that would have many uses).

A wider (and more tedious to configure) way would be to have a list of unit names that should be displayed or class/specs. Again - this would work as 'other units' but only on the units that meet certain criteria (name on custom list, specific spec).