Patch Notes: gfxToggle 2
  • 2.0.24804[01-13-07]
    - added fixes for Squeenix, SimpleMinimap and manual texture masks, no longer black minimaps because of gfxToggle 2 (yay!)
    - the addon is now all-in-one (FuBar plugin integrated)
    - new shiny control via a clickable tablet tooltip
    - lots of code optimization
    - shiftos: added spanish translation (esES)
    - TOC version update to 20003

  • a./R22.1510 [05-07-06]
    - hopefully fixed freezing issue at login
    - if your local version is too old, gfxToggle will tell you and ask for action
    - fixed some typos

  • a./R21.1310 [05-02-06]
    - folders of CompostLib and MetrognomeLib were empty
    - fixed some scheduled tasks which wouldn't have changed when you've set up a new delay

  • a./R20.1234 [05-01-06]
    - fixed missing option 'medium' in english localization (I'm so sorry!)
    - updated to latest Metrognome and made use of the new API

  • a./R19.1178 [04-30-06]
    - updated to latest MetrongnomeLib using ChangeRate()
    - added Revision and Date -- version number will always be a./Rxx.xxxx now
    - fixed version check method and updated it to the new version number handling.
    - when there's no zonesDB it'll be created at the initializing of the addon; just to prevent issues
    - now only does auto-toggle to medium when this option has been activated - switching to low instead
    - minor bug fixes

  • a./R18 [04-29-06]
    - updated to the most recent MetrognomeLib
    - fixed gfxToggle\gfxToggle.lua:209: attempt to call method 'UnregisterMetro' (a nil value)
    - changed formatting of the database
    - minor fixes

  • a./R17 [04-28-06]
    - fixed a typo -> gfxToggle.lua:301: `)' expected near `,'

  • a./R16 [04-28-06]
    - added medium settings support
    - improved code and performance a lot by using CompostLib
    - removed Timex support and changed to embedded Library Metrognome
    - improved performance when zoning, the addon won't do anything until the player entered the world
    - added better support for gfxToggleGUI to improve the plugin performance
    - fixed some locals and other glitches

  • a./R15 [04-04-06]
    - added Weather Effects density
    - changed the base load code to handle things a bit safer
    - fixed M2Faster toggle (just try to turn it off when your minimap is getting gfx issues.)

  • a./R14 [04-02-06]
    - update for 11000
    - added an own delay routine for people without Timex (Tem)

  • a./R13 [03-12-06]
    - fixed Timex delay for auto-toggle: High
    - added check for /reloadUI
    - changed and fixed some locals
    - changed toggle message of delay and the report value

  • a./R12 [03-03-06]
    - improved the code a lot
    - added optional Timex support (set and use a delay for auto-toggle)
    - removed flight mode since it was too bloated and did cause some issues in special situations
    - added M2Faster and Spelleffect support
    - changed data storage